Hangzhou’s southern railway station, China by gmp
Dec 17, 2022 04:04 PM
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In Hangzhou, the new southern railway station built to a design by Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) is starting operations. It is the third-largest station of the metropolis which, thanks to its favorable geographic position on the Yangtze River Delta, flourished culturally at an early stage and to this day is considered one of the most attractive cities in China. The transport intersection is part of the high-speed line between Shanghai, 180 kilometers away, and Kunming at a distance of 1,800 kilometers, and was built within the space of five years (2013–2018).
▼鸟瞰图,Bird’s-eye view ©Christian Gahl / gmp Architects

The guiding idea of the design was a shape with clearly recognizable construction that was developed from the technical railway parameters and the urban design requirements. The station is located to the south of the Qiantang River in the Xiao District and consists of two corresponding elements—the solid plinth and the folded roof above. The plinth rises from the two station forecourts to the west and east and forms a plateau with the booking hall. Beneath this lies a plaza that links two new adjoining city districts that can be reached on foot. The roof covers both the hall and the 21 platforms, straddling the difference in level between these by folding downwards at the transition to the tracks. Its fenestration bands follow the irregular pattern of the tracks.
▼西侧正面入口,Entrance front on the west side ©Christian Gahl / gmp Architects

The roof, which is surrounded by hills and high-rise buildings from where it can be seen from above, has been developed as a fifth facade. Whereas the solid plinth consists of reinforced concrete, the roof is a steel con- struction. It is supported by slender cross-shaped posts arranged in four axes: two of these axes also traverse the 84-meter-wide booking hall, the center of which has a column-free span of 42 meters. The steel framing remains visible behind the inner cladding of round bar louvers. The flooring in both the hall and the forecourts consists of seamlessly laid light gray Shandong granite.
▼钢结构候车大厅,Booking hall with open steel construction ©Christian Gahl / gmp Architects

With its roof louvers and 13.5-meter-high copper-colored shading louvers at the two entrance fronts, the design takes account of the sub-tropical climate with its strong solar radiation. Aside from the above, the building is clad in white aluminum panels. In order to keep the pedestrian routes as short as possible, the booking hall has been placed off-center in relation to the building. Following its handover, the station will now start operations in a step-by-step process.
▼幕墙铜色遮阳装置,Copper-colored shading louvers ©Christian Gahl / gmp Architects

▼候车大厅门厅,Anteroom to the booking hall ©Christian Gahl / gmp Architects

“The folded ribbons of the facades and roof unify the platforms and the main hall. In this way they form a frame for arrivals and departures that, in the urban space, can be seen from afar.” – Stephan Schütz, Partner gmp Architects
▼轨道层面过渡区域,Transition to the plattforms ©Christian Gahl / gmp Architects

▼站台,platform ©Christian Gahl / gmp Architects

▼设计草图,Sketch ©Stephan Schütz, gmp Architects

▼场地平面图,Site plan ©gmp Architects

▼候车大厅平面图,Floor plan booking-hall-level ©gmp Architects

▼轨道层面平面图,Floor plan platform-level ©gmp Architects

▼横剖面图,cross section ©gmp Architects

设计竞赛: 2011年一等奖 设计: 曼哈德·冯·格康,施特凡·胥茨以及施特凡·瑞沃勒 竞赛阶段项目负责人: 姜琳琳 竞赛阶段设计人员: 马克·阿桑德里,董淑英,克内莉亚·克西克夫斯卡,张晓光,张盈盈 实施阶段项目负责人:姜琳琳,郑飞 实施阶段设计人员: 郭福慧,杰宇,吕春成,苏俊,徐泽华,张盈盈,周维,(效果图)扬·德姆,周斌,(实习生)李不言,齐天宇,尚京京,徐毅敏,闫瑾,余毅楠,张珏 中国项目管理:李凌,解芳 中方合作单位:中国铁路设计集团有限公司 结构设计: 施莱希•贝格曼及合伙人工程设计事务所 幕墙设计: SuP华纳工程咨询(北京)有限公司 景观设计: gmp & 中国铁路设计集团有限公司 照明设计: Conceptlicht & 香港大观国际设计咨询有限公司 业主:中国铁路总公司 竣工时间: 2018年 建筑面积: 92500 平方米
Competition 2011 – 1st prize Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Stephan Rewolle Competition project manager Jiang Lin-Lin Competition design team Marco Assandri, Dong Shuying, Kornelia Krzykowska, Zhang Xiaoguang , Zhang Yingying Detailed design project leader Jiang Lin-Lin, Zheng Fei Detailed design team Guo Fuhui, Je Woo, Mulyanto, Su Jun, Zhang Yingying, Zhou Wei, Xu Zehua, (Render)Jan Deml, Zhou Bin, (Praktikanten) Yu Yinan, Shang Jingjing, Qi Tianyu, Li Buyan, Xu Yimin, Zhang Jue, Yan Jin Project management team Li Ling, Xie Fang Partner office in China CRDC Structural design sbp schlaich bergermann partner Facade consultants SuP Ingenieure GmbH Landscape architecture gmp & CRDC Lighting design Conceptlicht & GDIL Client China Railway Completion 2018 GFA 92.500 m2
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