Dec 16, 2022 07:57 AM

American modern architect. Born on February 20, 1901 in Salama, Estonia, he moved with his parents to Philadelphia, USA in 1905. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1924 and later worked in J. Mollet's Office in Philadelphia.

The Salk Institute was established in the 1960s by Jonas Salk, M.D., the developer of the polio vaccine. His goal was to establish an institute that would explore questions about the basic principles of life. He wanted to make it possible for biologists and others to work together in a collaborative environment that would encourage them to consider the wider implications of their discoveries for the future of humanity.

乔纳斯·索尔克(Jonas Salk)对索尔克研究所有着独特的愿景,他与科学家和建筑师一起创造了研究和合作的新范式。上图拍摄于20世纪60年代早期,索尔克在研究所的许多建设细节上密切合作。
Jonas Salk had a distinct vision for the Salk Institute as he worked with scientists and architects to create a new paradigm for research and collaboration. Pictured above the early 1960s, Salk worked closely on many of the construction details of the Institute.

Kahn's creation consists of two mirror-image structures that flank a grand courtyard. Each building is six stories tall. Three floors contain laboratories and the three levels above the laboratory floors provide access to utilities.

Protruding into the courtyard are separate towers that provide space for individual professorial studies. The towers at the east end of the buildings contain heating, ventilating, and other support systems. At the west end are six floors of offices overlooking the ocean. Together, there are 29 separate structures joined together to form the Institute.

For Kahn, light is the maker of materials whose purpose is to cast shadows.

"The 'mystery' of the shadow is also closely associated with evoking silence and awe, and while darkness evokes unseen uncertainty and potential danger, it also inspires a deep sense of mystery. In the hands of architects, light and shadow evoke silence, secrecy or drama -- creating a "Treasury of shadows", a "shrine of art".

Architecture is a search for truth. The sun will not realize how wonderful the room is until it is finished. Design does not create beauty, beauty comes from choice, affinity, fusion, love.

美术馆核心的框架结构灵感源于Buckminster Fuller最著名的富勒烯结构,路易斯·康通过不断重复叠加的锥形四面体结构使空间更加开阔,减少立柱的使用。这种颇具雕塑感的结构性元素与美术馆自身的特性相辅相成,使建筑本身成为一个在展的艺术品。
The frame structure at the heart of the gallery is inspired by Buckminster Fuller's most famous fullerene structure. Louis Kahn's tapered tetrahedral structure, which is constantly superimposed, opens up the space and reduces the use of columns. This sculptural structural element complements the museum's own character, making the building itself a work of art on display.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :Design Poem
图片版权 Copyright :Louis Isadore Kahn