Zhengzhou Greenland towers by gmp
Dec 17, 2022 04:04 PM
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由gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所设计建造的郑东绿地中心高284米,坐落于郑州城市主轴线上。 建筑形体如同缠绕的丝带,错落交织的空间形成数个空中大堂,整体形象令人难忘。公共空间垂直分布于建 筑之内,位于高空的空中大堂气势非凡,240米高度设有室外平台,营造了独特的空间体验。建成后的双塔可提供746000平米的办公空间。
The Greenland Towers soar 284 meters into the sky above Zhengzhou metropolis in eastern China. The sil- houettes of the towers are characterized by the sky lobbies, recesses that are inserted offset at various levels. Designed as public spaces in the vertical, the sky lobbies are prestigious amenity areas for the offices, provid- ing the unusual experience of being able to enjoy an outside terrace at a height of up to 240 meters. In total, the Greenland Central Plaza complex, which was built to plans by Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp), comprises about 746,000 square meters of gross floor area.
▼双塔空中视角,Aerial view © ZMG China

河南省省会城市郑州近年来面临持续扩展,预计2020年这座黄河沿岸城市人口将超过1100万。为适应城 市发展,数年前高铁枢纽郑州东站建成并投入使用。gmp设计新建郑东绿地中心坐落于城市主轴线上,面向市中心,直指郑州东站,并在其西侧临近公共公园一侧构成大门的意象。双塔通过一座广场相连接。284米高度 明显高于周边建筑,成为郑州城市天际线上的重要地标。
Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, is experiencing ongoing growth. According to current estimates, the metropolis on the Yellow River will have over 11 million inhabitants by 2020. In order to prepare for this development, a new railway station has been built in recent years to the east of the city to create a central traffic interchange. The new buildings by gmp close off an urban design axis to the west, an axis that leads from the new railway station towards the city center. Like an entrance door to the city, the high-rise buildings form a vertical counterpoise to the horizontal building of the railway station. A plaza between the towers forms a linking element. Owing to their height of 284 meters, the twin towers are significantly higher than the other high-rise buildings in the vicinity and, as identity-creating buildings in the skyline of Zhengzhou, are visible from afar.
▼郑州东站望向双塔,View from railway station © Zeng Jianghe

▼西侧视角,View from the west © Zeng Jianghe

▼空中大堂夜间照明,Illumination by night © Zeng Jianghe

▼大厦幕墙,View of facade ©Zeng Jianghe

郑东绿地中心双塔高63层,内部主要设有办公空间。每座塔楼内建筑面积约232000平方米,每层面积约 4000平米,与同类高层建筑相比每层提供面积更大。楼层平面可以灵活分隔成15个办公单元。两座塔楼各拥 有一个L型裙楼,其内设有商业功能。裙楼和塔楼之间设有贯通走廊,来访者可从四个方向上不受阻挡的进入 大堂。每天每座塔楼都将迎来约12000人的拜访。
The 63 stories of the Greenland Towers accommodate mostly offices. One tower comprises about 232,000 square meters—a comparatively large area for a high-rise building of this height, which is due to the very large area per floor of 4,000 square meters. This makes it possible to flexibly divide the floor area of each floor into up to 15 units. At their base, both towers have to their side L-shaped plinth buildings that accommodate commercial functions. By separating the towers from the plinth buildings, there is unrestricted access to the lobbies of the towers from all sides. Almost 12,000 people cross the foyer of each tower every day on their way to the upper floors.
▼通往空中大堂的楼梯,Staircase in „Sky Atrium“ © Zeng Jianghe

▼空中大堂上欣赏城市,Sky Lobby © Zeng Jianghe

塔楼平面呈风车状结构,中间包围着正方形交通核心。所有办公空间可通过幕墙竖框中间设置的暗槽实 现自然通风。垂直方向上每隔八层的办公空间都拥有一座气势恢宏的空中大堂,供入驻的企业举办各类大型 活动。同时使用者还可以在高空室外平台上欣赏郑州城市景观,相较于其他封闭的高层建筑而言,这点令其 与众不同。双塔顶层设有一座八层高的“天空中庭”,与其相连的三个楼层之上设有“天空商街”,包括了餐厅、 商铺和一个水疗中心。北塔顶层设有行政办公楼层,南塔顶层为私人俱乐部。“天空中庭”是举办艺术展览和公 共活动的理想场所,公众可以在240米高空体验独一无二的都市氛围。
In plan, the layout of the towers has been arranged offset in windmill fashion around the square core of the building. All offices benefit from natural ventilation via concealed openings in the facade profiles. With the sky lobbies on every eighth floor, the office towers have prestigious areas in the vertical that can be used in many different ways by the local companies. An unusual feature in a high-rise building of this size is that the employees are given the opportunity to use an outside terrace at high level and, from here, to enjoy the view across the cityscape of Zhengzhou. The top stories of the Greenland Towers accommodate the eight-story Sky Atrium, which is reserved for exclusive functions: the co-called “Sky Commerce” with restaurants, shops, and a spa extends across three floors next to the atrium. Luxurious offices in the north tower and exclusive club facilities and apartments in the south tower make up the uppermost floors of the towers. With the Sky Atrium, an attractive public venue has been created for art exhibitions and concerts, thus enriching vertical urban life in China with a new attraction at a height of 240 meters.
▼大厦前厅,Foyer © Zeng Jianghe

▼水疗中心泳池,Swimming pool in the spa © Zeng Jianghe

▼总平面图,Site plan ©gmp Architects

▼北塔首层平面,Floor plan, level 1, north tower © gmp Architects

▼北塔11层平面,北塔15层平面,北塔16层平面,Floor plan, level 12, 16, 17 north tower © gmp Architects

▼北塔剖面,Section, north tower © gmp Architects

国际设计竞赛:2010年一等奖设计:曼哈德·冯·格康和施特凡·胥茨以及尼古拉斯·博兰克竞赛阶段项目负责人:尼克拉斯·威尔克 竞赛阶段设计团队:扬·德姆,阿梅利·诺森,米歇埃尔·莱森,苏珊·施瓦茨,萨宾娜·斯登,约恩·于 尔特普,提洛·策莫,周斌项目实施阶段负责人:尼克拉斯·威尔克,延斯·魏勒 项目实施阶段设计团队:马库斯·布什,曹平,陈澜,陈悦,安德鲁·戴维斯,扬·德姆,克里斯蒂安·邓 多夫,约翰内斯·埃德曼,库诺·冯·海芬,博严·库查科夫,林林,费尔南多·纳萨尔,克里斯汀·朔 尔,艾尔莎·唐,提洛·策莫,周斌中国项目管理:李凌中方合作设计单位:同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司,上海 结构设计:施莱希•贝格曼及合伙人工程设计事务所,斯图加特幕墙顾问:MAE, Meiss Architecture & Engineering Office景观设计:魏斯景观建筑,柏林照明设计:conceptlicht,特罗因罗伊特电梯顾问:柏诚工程技术(北京)有限公司业主:上海绿地集团中原房地产事业部建筑面积:746000 m2
International competition 2010—1st prizeDesign Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Nicolas PomränkeCompetition project management Niklas VeelkenCompetition design team Jan Deml, Amelie Neusen, Michael Reiss, Susan Schwarz, Sabine Stage, Jochen Sültrup, Thilo Zehme, Zhou BinDetail design project management Niklas Veelken, Jens WeilerDetail design team Markus Busch, Cao Ping, Chen Lan, Chen Yue, Andrew Davis, Jan Deml, Christian Dorn- dorf, Johannes Erdmann, Kuno von Häfen, Boyan Kolchakov, Lin Lin, Fernando Nassare, Kristin Schoyerer, Elsa Tang, Thilo Zehme, Zhou BinProject management China Li LingPartner practice in China TJADRI Group, Co., Ltd., ShanghaiStructural design schlaich bergermann partner GmbH, StuttgartFacade consultants MAE, Meiss Architecture & Engineering OfficeLandscape design WES und Partner, BerlinLighting design conceptlicht GmbH, TraunreutElevator consultants Parsons Brinckerhoff Engineering Technology Co. Ltd., PekingClient Zhongyuan Real Estate Business Department of Shanghai Greenland GroupGFA 746,000 m2
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