Changzhou Culture Plaza by gmp
Dec 17, 2022 04:04 PM
非常感谢 gmp 予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于他们请至: gmp on gooood . Appreciations towards gmp for providing the following description:
In the Chinese province of Jiangsu, within the catchment area of Shanghai, lies the city of Changzhou which, with its about 5 million inhabitants, has developed into an important industrial metropolis in the Yangtze Delta region. In the newly created city center of Changzhou, the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) have created a cultural center with an art museum, library, hotel, offices, and retail areas. gmp won the international competition in 2012 with a design that generates a spatially diverse urban landscape with buildings and a public park. With this concept, the Changzhou Culture Plaza has become a symbolic and unmistakable new public center of Changzhou.
▼项目概览,overview © Schran Images

▼模块单元图解,building modules diagram © gmp

▼六个相互独立的模块单元旋转组合 © gmp the development comprises six identical, freestanding building modules that are angled towards each other

The Changzhou Culture Plaza is surrounded by a public park and, together with the Town Hall and the Changzhou Grand Theater located to the north, forms the new city center of Changzhou. The development comprises six identical, freestanding building modules that are angled towards each other and arranged in a 2 x 3 cluster. Each module is based on a footprint area of 70 x 70 meters and, as an autonomous unit with individual entrance and lobby, accommodates one of the functions of the Culture Plaza, such as the art museum, library, hotel, and offices.
▼建筑立面,facade © Schran Images

Visually, the 50-meter-high buildings appear as cubes that are hollowed-out on two sides. In this way, together they create a roofed-over public space that interlinks with the park, forming a spatially diverse city landscape. The watercourse that runs diagonally across the 17-hectare site flows in a canyon-like sculpted cutting, which links the commercial functions with each other at basement level.
▼屋檐下的城市公共空间,the roofed-over public space © Schran Images

▼建筑近景,detailed view © Schran Images

At the same time it emphasizes the bridge motif of the buildings and links the Plaza with the underground station to the south-east. The view from the north articulates the gesture of a large gate that, across Longcheng Avenue, faces Changzhou People’s Square with the Town Hall and Grand Theater.
▼鸟瞰,aerial view © Schran Images

Following the basic idea of the concept, the facades have been designed according to the principle of unity with diversity. A natural stone facade dominates the orthogonal building envelope; the curved cut-out areas are given prominence by an elegant glazed facade, making the cut edges visible, and sculpturally emphasizing the abstract shape of the buildings. In this way, different characters are acquired by the building envelopes, which are spanned by a uniform horizontal facade structure with wide aluminum louvers that follow the curvature beneath the cantilever. At the same time, the horizontal natural stone or metal louvers serve as external solar screening that significantly increases the energy efficiency of the buildings.
▼花岗岩和玻璃幕墙结合,刻画出边界切割的线条感,the natural stone facade and the elegant glazed facade together make the cut edges visible © Schran Images

▼弧线悬挑结构,the curvature beneath the cantilever © Schran Images

▼建筑立面近景,facade detailed view © Schran Images

在日光照射之下,实体的石材构件与深色的玻璃幕墙形成富有变化的强烈对比。而在夜幕之下,当建筑内部被灯光点亮,玻璃幕墙投射出令人向往的弧光曲影, 映衬着近40米通高的穹顶空间,在内外变换之间创造丰富的视角体验。
During the day, the solid stone bands form a strong, rhythmical contrast to the dark glazed areas. At night, when the buildings are internally illuminated, the arched glazed areas are invitingly lit and, beneath the almost 40-meter-high arches, create impressive interaction between the inside and outside with continually varying angles of view.
▼石材构件与深色的玻璃幕墙形成富有变化的强烈对比,the solid stone bands form a strong, rhythmical contrast to the dark glazed areas © Schran Images

▼立面随着时间产生观感上的变化,the facade changes in appearance with the passage of time © Schran Images

▼夜间视角,night view © Schran Images

The loadbearing structure consists of reinforced concrete cores and a steel construction that diagonally cantilevers by almost 40 meters on two sides of the core area. The vertical load is transferred downwards via compression arches, and the horizontal forces are transferred to the reinforced concrete cores via the cantilever floors. On the upper floors of the modules there are large column-free exhibition spaces and Sky Gardens of almost 4,000 square meters.
▼室内空间,interior view © Schran Images

▼夜间鸟瞰,aerial view by night © Schran Images

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © gmp

▼六层平面图,fifth floor plan © gmp

▼十层平面图,ninth floor plan © gmp

▼北侧剖面图,Section North © gmp

▼南侧剖面图,Section South © gmp

▼结构体系,structural system © gmp

设计竞赛:2012年一等奖设计:曼哈德·冯·格康和尼古劳斯·格茨以及玛德琳·唯斯竞赛阶段负责人:孔晡虹, Martin Friedrich竞赛阶段设计团队:Dominika Gnatowicz, Sebastian Schmidt, 姚尧,蒋兰兰实施阶段负责人:孔晡虹, 范小棣, 陈缨实施阶段设计团队:Ralf Donner, Martin Friedrich, 傅荷清,黄梦,任培英,高庶三,王泽欣,王熹, Sevde Erdogan中国项目管理:蔡磊,萨晓东业主:常州市晋陵投资建设有限公司中方合作单位:江苏筑森建筑设计有限公司幕墙施工图单位:中南幕墙设计院景观设计:WES 魏斯景观建筑结构设计:sbp 施莱希工程设计咨询有限公司灯光设计:清华同衡光环境规划设计研究所幕墙顾问:华纳工程咨询(北京)有限公司建筑面积:363715 平方米地上建筑面积:约13.7 万平方米(其中 办公面积 46571平方米,美术馆17013平方米,图书馆22751平方米,酒店26089平方米)地下建筑面积:226695平方米
Competition 2012-1st prizeDesign Meinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetze with Magdalene WeissProject Lead Competition Kong Buhong, Martin FriedrichCompetition Team Dominika Gnatowicz, Sebastian Schmidt, Yao Yao, Jiang LanlanProject Lead Detailed Design Kong Buhong, Fan Xiaodi, Chen YingDetailed Design Team Ralf Donner, Martin Friedrich, Alex C. Fu, Huang Meng, Ren Peiying, Gao Shusan, Wang Zexin, Wang Xi, Sevde ErdoganProjekt Management China Cai Lei, Sa XiaodongClient Changzhou Jinling Investment and Construction Co., Ltd. Partner Office in China ICDALandscape Design WES LandschaftsArchitekturStructural Engineering schlaich bergermann partnerLighting design THUPDI, Dept. of Lighting Planning & DesignFacade consultancy SuP Ingenieure GmbHFacade Detailed design Zhongnan Institute of Curtain Wall Design & ResearchGFA 363,715 m²; above ground 137,020 m²: (Office 46,571 m², Art Gallery 17,013 m², Library 22,751 m², Hotel 26,089 m²), below ground 226,695 m²
More:gmp 。更多关于他们请至:gmp on gooood