Zhuhai Museum and Zhuhai Planning Exhibition Hall, China by gmp
Dec 17, 2022 04:04 PM
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▼项目外观,external view of the project ©CreatAR_Images

Since the 1980s, the southern Chinese city of Zhuhai, near Macao and Hong Kong, has developed from a fishing village into one of the most favored holiday destinations in China. The touristic success of Zhuhai is based on its location directly at the sea with its numerous islands and bays, and an impressive mountain range in the background. At the same time, the city which in the 1980s was declared one of the first free trade zones of China generates strong economic growth. These two aspects, the history of the city with its culture and maritime connection, and its urban development, are represented in the Zhuhai Museum. The intention is for the culture building, designed by architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp), to extend and firmly anchor cultural facilities in the city.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©CreatAR_Images

Located on Zhuhai’s coastal road, the new museum benefits from the proximity of the water as well as the mountains and a park in the background, whilst also being close to the opera house. Both buildings, the museum/exhibition complex and the opera house, represent a new statement for the entrance to Zhuhai city for travelers coming from the north.
▼博物馆毗邻城市绿地公园,museum adjacent to the city park ©CreatAR_Images

▼博物馆前的景观,landscape in front of the museum ©CreatAR_Images

The design of the Zhuhai Museum comprises a vertical and a horizontal tract based on rectangular footprints. Together, they combine to form a sculptural ensemble. This contrasting duality reflects both the local situation between the mountains and the coast, and also the museum program the exhibition areas provide visitors with a view into the past and the future of the city. The architects of gmp synchronize both these aspects to create a uniform architectural gesture.
▼分析图,analysis ©gmp Architekten

访客从沿海道路经两馆连接处的门厅进入博物馆。南部面山的水平建筑分为三个展览层,展示珠江三角洲沿海地区悠久的城市发展历史。而城市规划展览馆共有八层,展厅层叠排列,访客沿着螺旋上升的步道拾步而上,可进一步了解珠海的城市规划,参观流线的终点是容纳30 x 40米城市模型的展厅。内部的螺旋步道作为展览的一部分连接展厅各层,当然,访客也可从外部通过室外开阔的阶梯进入博物馆。
Visitors enter the museum from the coastal road via the foyer in the linking part between the two tracts. The horizontal part of the building to the south facing the mountains exhibits, on three exhibition levels, the history of the city’s development in this traditional coastal region at the Pearl River Delta. In the exhibition area dedicated to the planning of the town, visitors to the museum are guided upwards along a spiral gangway to explore the cascading sequence, over eight floors, of stacked exhibition rooms. The spiral terminates in a room exhibiting a 30 x 40-meter model of the city. Internally, the spiral is part of the exhibition and links the different levels, whilst on the outside open staircases provide access to the building sculpture.
▼两馆连接处设置门厅入口,entrance to the lobby at the linking part between the two tracts ©CreatAR_Images

▼八层的城市规划展馆,eight-floor exhibition area dedicate to the planning of the town ©CreatAR_Images

▼连接两个展馆的室外平台,outdoor platform connecting the two tracts ©CreatAR_Images

▼大厅,lobby ©CreatAR_Images

▼走廊和休息区,可以看到海面景色,corridor and resting area with panoramic view to the sea ©CreatAR_Images

▼参观流线终点的城市模型,city model at the end of the spiral ©CreatAR_Images

The facade has been designed following the basic idea of a mutually inspiring duality. Solid bands of light-colored granite and facade panels of glass and aluminum in a warm bronze shade create a play between light and dark and, in the exhibition area for the town planning, clearly replicate the ascent of the spiral. The movable solar screening panels with traditional Chinese patterns also consist of bronze-colored aluminum. At night, when parts of the facade are invitingly illuminated, the light follows the spiral, thus easing the solidity of the natural stone bands. On the 8th floor, floor-to-ceiling glazing opens up the natural stone facade, providing a view across Xiangzhou Bay.
▼立面细部,closer view to the facade ©CreatAR_Images

▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view in the night ©CreatAR_Images

▼总平面图,site plan ©gmp Architekten

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©gmp Architekten

▼四层平面图,fourth floor plan ©gmp Architekten

▼剖面图,section ©gmp Architekten

设计竞赛:2009年一等奖设计:曼哈德·冯·格康与施特凡·胥茨以及尼可拉斯·博兰克竞赛阶段项目负责人:Clemens Kampermann竞赛阶段设计团队:Verena Kiewardt, Michael Reiss, Jochen Sültrup, Thilo Zehme, 周斌实施阶段项目负责人:Clemens Kampermann实施阶段设计团队:Anna von Aulock, 李民, Andreas Maue, 潘昕, Michael Reiss, Kristin Schoyerer, Sabine Stage, Jochen Sültrup中国项目管理:徐吉业主:珠海华发集团有限公司合作单位:中国建筑科学研究院 (CABR)景观设计:Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten照明设计:Lichtvision Design GmbH, Schlotfeldt Licht总建筑面积:约5.58万平方米地上面积:约4.14万平方米地下面积:约1.44万平方米
Competition 2009-1st prizeDesign Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Nicolas PomränkeCompetition Lead Clemens KampermannCompetition Team Verena Kiewardt, Michael Reiss, Jochen Sültrup, Thilo Zehme, Bin ZhouProject Lead, Detailed Design Clemens KampermannDetailed Design Team Anna von Aulock, Min Li, Andreas Maue, Xin Pan, Michael Reiss, Kristin Schoyerer, Sabine Stage, Jochen SültrupProject Management in China Ji XuClient HUAFA GroupPartner Office in China China Academy of Building Research (CABR)Landscape Architecture Rehwaldt LandschaftsarchitektenLighting Design Lichtvision Design GmbH, Schlotfeldt LichtGFA 55,807 m², above ground 41,424 m², below ground 14,383 m²
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