Re-opening of the Kulturpalast, Dresden By gmp
Dec 17, 2022 04:04 PM
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4月28日最新进展:德累斯顿文化宫新的音乐厅在一场庆典中拉开帷幕。第二天,连同新的中央图书馆以 及“赫利克斯之杖”小剧场,文化宫未来最主要的使用空间正式揭幕。建筑中属文化遗产保护部分的翻修工程以及德雷斯顿爱乐乐团驻厅的1800座的新建音乐厅,都按照gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所在2009 年设计竞赛中获胜的方案得到了实施。
The 28th of April is the big day – the new concert hall in the Kulturpalast in Dresden will be ceremonially opened with a festive program. On the day after, the rooms of the other main functions of the Kulturpalast, i.e. the new central library and the “Herkuleskeule” cabaret venue, will be inaugurated. The refurbishment of the existing part of the building, which is listed as a historic monument, and the new building of the concert hall with about 1,800 seats, which will be used by the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra amongst others, have been completed to a design by architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) who won the competition for the project in 2009.
▼日间的文化宫,access to the concert hall ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

▼夜幕中的文化宫,Kulturpalast at night ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

德累斯顿文化宫的改建及修缮——在这一设计任务背后的意义,是如何将“文化宫”这一概念用建筑手段 进行重新思考,如何在一座极具识别性的建筑之上处理全新的功能要求。作为建于1969年民主德国时期现代 主义的优秀经典,建筑从外部得到了忠于原著的重建,在内部则创造了新颖的空间组织和交通流线。对于老 市场、王宫区和新市场之间不可复制的中心位置,设计凭借一栋无方向感的建筑以及三面设置的出入口做出 了回应。为了针对不同使用者人群实现一栋老建筑的全面复兴,这座综合体内文化、教育和娱乐功能不断交 织,在朝向老市场的南大厅汇聚一处,这里作为三个功能共同的入口,同时成为了人流聚集、充满活力的场 所。“赫利克斯之杖”小剧场坐落在音乐厅下方,音乐厅如同鞘子般夹在图书馆之间。由gmp独立设计的家具赋 予了这些空间以简洁的物质外观。织物表面使用了来自老建筑的红色调,这一色调也成为所有功能区域的主旋律。
The conversion and refurbishment of the Kulturpalast Dresden involved no less than a rethink of the architec- tural concept of a “culture palace”, with a modified user program but nevertheless based on the historic iden- tity of the venue. While the exterior of the building, which is an outstanding example of the modern style in the GDR, was largely restored to its original design dating from 1969, the spatial organization and circulation of the interior were redefined. The design of the Palace takes account of its unique central position between Altmarkt, Schloss, and Neumarkt, providing an all-round orientation with direct access from all three main facades. The combination of culture, education, and entertainment, which will ensure that the venue is much frequented by quite different user groups, has its spatial focal point in the large foyer facing south towards the Altmarkt, which will now be the main access point to all three main functions and will thus become a very busy and lively place. The “Herkuleskeule” cabaret venue is located beneath the concert hall which, in the two upper stories, is snuggly surrounded by the rooms of the library. The interior design of these rooms features a simple, minimalist choice of materials, and furnishings that have been specially designed by gmp. The bright red color of the textile surfaces has been adopted from the original building and has been replicated as a leitmotif in all main functional areas.
▼主门厅 ,main foyer ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

▼通往音乐厅的走廊 ,access to the concert hall ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

▼阅览室 ,reading room ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

▼中央图书馆 ,central library ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

音乐厅位于建筑的核心部分,当时也曾考虑过其他的使用功能,最终的设计既非服从形式,亦非刻意对 比,而更多是基于与老建筑之间充满敬意与张力的对话。音乐厅空间布局采用“葡萄园”式,座席呈多边形阶梯 布置。与木质阶梯的暖色调形成对比,白色墙面的波浪肌理由规则的平面形状发散开来,交汇于顶棚。有着 55音栓的音乐厅管风琴在德累斯顿独一无二,尤其适合演奏19世纪20世纪的经典交响乐曲目。为了达到符合 德雷斯顿爱乐乐团传统的音色,建筑师和声学顾问与乐团进行了紧密合作。最终实现了一座满足了所有使用 要求的音乐厅——从混响时间到声学空间印象以及乐手间的顺畅合作,这些要点在设计中都得到了极大重视。
At the heart of the building, the concert hall – which has been designed to accommodate other functions as well – has been re-developed in a style that is neither secondary to the existing style elements nor deliberately contrasting with these, but that rather aims for a respectful and charged dialogue with the existing building fabric. Its architecture follows the “vineyard“ model, with terraced seating that fits with the geometry of the hexagonal arrangement of the approved layout. In contrast to the warm color of the wooden terraces, the white waves of the walls slowly move from the regular geometry of the layout until they join up at the ceiling of the hall. The concert organ, with its 55 registers, is unique in Dresden, and particularly suitable for the symphony repertoire of the 19th and 20th centuries. In order to generate the desired combination of transparency and warmth of tone that supports the traditionally somewhat darker sound of the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, close cooperation was required between the architects, the acoustics engineers, and the orchestra. This process has resulted in a concert hall that meets all requirements for concert uses, from the reverberation time to the acoustic space impression and the clear communication between the musicians themselves, which was a major focus.
▼音乐厅 ,concert hall ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

▼音乐厅,concert hall ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

▼音乐厅,concert hall ©Christian Gahl/gmp Architects

With this new Kulturpalast concept, Dresden has now – for the first time – been given not only a concert hall of international standing, but also an open venue of culture and knowledge, and a place of informal civic encounters and communication which continues the lively tradition of the building.
▼音乐厅3D剖面,concert hall, 3D-section ©gmp Architects

▼首层平面,floorplan first floor ©gmp Architects

▼夹层一层平面 ,floorplan first mezzanine floor ©gmp Architects

▼二层平面 ,floorplan third floor ©gmp Architects

▼音乐厅横剖面 ,concert hall – cross section ©gmp Architects

▼音乐厅纵剖面 ,concert hall – longitudinal section ©gmp Architects

设计竞赛中标2009年一等奖设计:曼哈德·冯·格康和施特凡·胥茨以及尼克拉斯 ·博兰克设计竞赛负责人:Clemens Kampermann 竞赛设计人员: Verena Coburger实施阶段项目负责人:Christian Hellmund 实施阶段设计人员:Clemens Ahlgrimm, Roman Bender, Stephanie Brendel, Verena Coburger, Ivanka Perkovic, Annette Löber, Anna Liesicke, Ursula Köper, Tiago Henriques, Laia Caparo, Julius Hüpeden, Patrick Machnacki, Giuseppina Orto, Michael Scholz, René Wiegand, Dörte Groß, Florian Illenberger, Laura Warskulat (实习生), Ralitsa Bikova (实习生), Robin Lauritzen (实习生), Jessika Krebs (实习生)工程管理:gmp, Bernd Adolf, 合作设计phase 8专业顾问结构设计:Professor Pfeifer und Partner PartGmbB, 结构设计工程师事务所,科特布斯 建筑物理与声学设计:Peutz bv, Mook, 荷兰; ADA Acoustic Design Ahnert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. W. Ahnert, 柏林消防设计:hhpberlin Ingenieure für Brandschutz GmbH, 柏林舞台技术:theapro, theater projekte daberto + kollegen planungsgesellschaft mbh, 慕尼黑建筑机电设备:Planungsgruppe M+M AG, 德累斯顿 (bis LPH 3); 设计联合体 IB Rathenow BPS 和 Solares Bauen GmbH (ab LPH 5)照明设计:Conceptlicht GmbH, Traunreut业主:KID Kommunales Immobilienmanagement Dresden GmbH & Co KG建设周期:2013年—2017年建筑面积:37062 m2德累斯顿爱乐交响乐团音乐厅:座席数1750,其中18个轮椅座席小型歌舞厅“海克利斯之足”:座席数240,其中2个轮椅座席中央图书馆建筑面积:5463 m2
International competition 2009 – 1st Prize Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Nicolas Pomränke Project management, competition Clemens Kampermann Competition design Verena Coburger Project management Christian Hellmund Design team Clemens Ahlgrimm, Roman Bender, Stephanie Brendel, Verena Coburger, Ivanka Perkovic, Annette Löber, Anna Liesicke, Ursula Köper, Tiago Henriques, Laia Caparo, Julius Hüpeden, Patrick Mach- nacki, Giuseppina Orto, Michael Scholz, René Wiegand, Dörte Groß, Florian Illenberger, Laura Warskulat (student), Ralitsa Bikova (student), Robin Lauritzen (student), Jessika Krebs (student) Site supervision gmp: Bernd Adolf, in cooperation with phase 8 Structural design Professor Pfeifer and partner PartGmbB, structural engineers, Cottbus Building physics – building and room acoustics Peutz bv, Mook, The Netherlands ADA Acoustic Design Ahnert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. W. Ahnert, Berlin Fire protection hhpberlin Ingenieure für Brandschutz GmbH, Berlin Stage technology theapro, theater projekte daberto + kollegen planungsgesellschaft mbh, Munich Services engineering Planungsgruppe M+M AG, Dresden (up to design phase 3) Consortium of IB Rathenow BPS and Solares Bauen GmbH (from design phase 5) Lighting design Conceptlicht GmbH, Traunreut Client KID Kommunales Immobilienmanagement Dresden GmbH & Co KG Construction period 2013–2017 GFA 37,062 m2 Concert hall, Dresdner Philharmonie 1,750 seats, incl. 18 wheelchair places Cabaret hall, “Die Herkuleskeule” 240 seats, incl. 2 wheelchair places Central library 5,463 m2
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