Wuyuanhe Stadium, Haikou, China by gmp
|最后更新: 2022-12-17
Dec 17, 2022 04:04 PM
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The 15-month construction schedule for the realization of Wuyuanhe Stadium on China’s popular holiday island of Hainan was tight – a challenge which, after having won the design competition, the architects of von Gerkan, Marg und Partners (gmp) were excited to take on. gmp managed to hand over the building designed for more than 41,000 visitors, on time for the opening in 2018. The proximity to the South China Sea characterizes the special atmosphere of the venue and provides the spectators with a unique panorama.
▼傍晚的五源河体育场,Wuyuanhe Stadium at dusk ©Schran Images
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Wuyuanhe Stadium is the first major sports venue on the Chinese tropical island of Hainan. Situated in the provincial capital of Haikou it is conceived to host national and international sports competitions as well as cultural events. Designed by the architectural office von Gerkan, Marg and Partner (gmp) the arena is re- garded as the first milestone in the implementation of an overall master plan for a comprehensive cultural and sports district, located east of the city’s new administrative headquarters.
▼西北侧立面,Northwest view ©Schran Images
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The region’s characteristically tropical landscape and the special demands resulting from Haikou’s urban structure required an unusual approach to the stadium design. The architects harmoniously integrated the large building volume into a newly created natural and cultural landscape that extends as far as the ocean on its northeast side. Four streamlined ramps built along the building’s diagonal axes draw spectators into the stadium interior in a continuation of the flowing structures of the natural environment.
▼剖面,Section ©gmp Architekten
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▼非对称布局体育场概念手绘,Concept sketch asymmetric stadium ©gmp Architekten
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The height of the building diminishes from west to east. Its asymmetry is a response to the specific local conditions and is intended to maximize the number of valuable seats in the western grandstand facing the ocean. In addition to the impressive view, the shape of the arena permits natural shading and ventilation. The approximately 41,000 seats are distributed over two tiers on the west side and one tier on the east side. The western section contains facilities for athletes and media while the eastern section accommodates com- mercial and VIP areas. A 400 meter long track encircles the playing field in the stadium’s center.
▼海岸方向鸟瞰体育场,Bird’s-eye view towards the ocean ©Marcus Bredt
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▼体育场内部设有约41000个座席,Interior with more than 41,000 seats ©Marcus Bredt
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From a 2 meter wide, ring-shaped viewing platform at the upper end of the grandstands, visitors can walk around the stadium as though on a panorama trail and enjoy views of the city and ocean. Two prominent, 60 meter high floodlight poles on the east side provide additional lighting for events.
▼泛光照明灯柱,One of two floodlight poles ©Schran Images
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▼灯柱为赛场提供额外照明,Additional event and field lighting ©Schran Images
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The building’s supporting structure must withstand extreme weather conditions and heavy rains. In colla- boration with engineers from schlaich bergermann partner, gmp developed a special roof construction. The western grandstand is spanned by a crescent-shaped membrane roof that is 270 meters long and 65 meters deep with a surface area of about 10,000 square meters. The membrane’s translucent material allows daylight to penetrate the interior. The roof is constructed of two external compression rings and one internal tension ring.
▼西侧看台和膜屋面,Western stand with membrane roof ©Marcus Bredt
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Wuyuanhe Stadium meets the conditions of the 2-star standard for green building in China. Its sustainability concept includes, among other things, a rainwater utilization system that diverts the water into an under- ground basin at a capacity of 700 liters per second. Based on a construction method typical of Hainan’s tropical climate, a breathable façade made of silver-white, anodized aluminum louvers provides specta- tors with shade/partial shade and comfortable temperatures even when exposed to bright sunlight and wet weather.
▼可调节角度的幕墙百叶,Adjustable lamella façade ©Schran Images
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▼幕墙百叶内部视角,Lamella view from inside ©Marcus Bredt
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▼幕墙夜间照明效果,Lighting effects of lamella façade at night ©Schran Images
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▼总平面图,Site plan ©gmp Architekten
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▼首层平面,Ground floor plan ©gmp Architekten
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▼环廊层平面,Floor plan circumferential level ©gmp Architekten
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设计竞赛:2013年一等奖 设计:曼哈德·冯·格康和尼古劳斯·格茨以及玛德琳·唯斯 竞赛阶段项目负责人:马丁·弗里德里希,塞巴斯蒂安·施密特 竞赛阶段设计人员:赛义德· 格拉法, 李晨, 奥利弗·卢瑟,亚丽克萨·施密德鲍尔, 谈凌,刘子晨 实施阶段项目负责人:苏文 实施阶段设计人员:陈竞成,塞巴斯蒂安·施密特,隋锦赢,王敏宇, 许海峰,曾子,赵梦桐,常琬悦,王家 藤,张博维,郑攀 项目管理:金湛,沈慧雯 结构设计:施莱希工程设计咨询有限公司 幕墙顾问:华纳工程咨询(北京)有限公司 景观设计:SWA Group 灯光顾问:Lichtvision Design Ltd. 交通顾问:奥雅纳工程咨询(上海)有限公司 中方合作设计单位:UDG联创国际设计集团 业主:绿地集团 设计周期:01/2015-12/2016 建设周期:01/2017-04/2018 座位数:41424 建筑面积:90300 m2
Competition 2013 – 1st prize Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetze with Magdalene Weiss Competition project manager Martin Friedrich, Sebastian Schmidt Competition design team Saeed Granfar, Li Chen, Oliver Loesser, Alexa Schmidbauer, Tan Ling, Liu Zichen Detailed design project leader Su Wen Detailed design team Chen Jingcheng, Sebastian Schmidt, Sui Jinying, Wang Minyu, Xu Haifeng, Zeng Zi, Zhao Mengtong, Chang Wanyue, Wang Jiateng, Zhang Bowei, Zheng Pan Project management Jin Zhan, Shen Huiwen Structural design schlaich bergermann partner Façade consultants SuP Ingenieure GmbH Landscape design SWA Group Lighting design Lichtvision Design Ltd. Traffic consultants Arup Group Ltd. Partner office in China UDG Client Greenland Group Completion 2018 Seats 41.424 GFA 90.300 m2
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