Bloomberg欧洲新总部大楼,伦敦 / Foster + Partners
|最后更新: 2022-12-16
Dec 16, 2022 07:07 AM
Bloomberg欧洲新总部大楼日前在伦敦正式落成。Bloomberg公司创始人Michael R. Bloomberg在福斯特建筑事务所创始人兼执行总裁诺曼·福斯特勋爵和伦敦市长Sadiq Khan的陪同下举办了项目的发布会。新总部大楼位于英格兰银行和圣保罗大教堂之间,呼应了其所在的历史语境,同时显出与众不同的场所感与时间性。该建筑是可持续发展的建筑范例,获得了BREEAM的杰出评级——迄今为止建筑阶段评分最高的办公建筑项目。 The new European headquarters of Bloomberg LP was launched today at an event hosted by its founder Michael R. Bloomberg, in the company of Lord Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners and Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London. Located between the Bank of England and St Paul’s Cathedral, the building responds to its historic context, yet is uniquely of its place and time. It is a true exemplar of sustainable development, with a BREEAM Outstanding rating – the highest design-stage score ever achieved by any major office development. ▼建筑外观,external view
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大楼占据了整个街区,3.2英亩的场地中包含两座建筑,由一座廊桥相连。廊桥下方的人行道激活了其所在的Watling大街,这座古老的罗马式街道贯穿了整个场地。Bloomberg拱廊街如今成为了城市中的一条重要通道,餐厅和咖啡厅遍布在首层,后退于由柱廊构成的波浪形的带顶立面之后。三个公共广场分别位于拱廊街的两端以及大楼主入口的前方,为方圆一英里的范围带来全新的城市空间。 Occupying a full city block, the 3.2-acre site comprises two buildings united by bridges that span over a pedestrian arcade that reinstates Watling Street, an ancient Roman road that ran through the site. Bloomberg Arcade is now a key route for people moving around the City, with restaurants and cafes at ground level, set back behind an undulating façade under a covered colonnade. Three public plazas, located at each end of the arcade and in front of the building’s entrance, provide new civic spaces in the heart of the Square Mile. ▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
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▼两座建筑由廊桥相连,two buildings are divided by a pedestrianised dining arcade
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▼拱廊街入口,the entrance to Bloomberg Arcade from Queen Victoria Street
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▼拱廊街为城市注入新的活力,the Bloomberg Arcade breathing new life into the City
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▼拱廊街内的细部,detail of the arcade façade
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建筑的高度保证了圣保罗教堂的主要视野不受遮挡,同时显示出了对附近历史建筑的充分尊重。以砂岩打造的结构框架定义出鲜明的立面,一系列巨大的古铜色“扇片”为通高的玻璃墙带来荫蔽,同时与旁边的法院大楼形成呼应。扇片的大小、倾斜度和密度依据朝向和日光照射的不同而产生变化,在为建筑带来视觉层次和韵律的同时,还构成了自然通风系统的一部分。 The building height protects key views of St Paul’s Cathedral whilst respecting neighbouring historic buildings. Its striking façade is defined by a structural sandstone frame in response to the adjacent Magistrate’s Court, with a series of large-scale bronze fins that shade the floor-to-ceiling glazing. The fins give the building a visual hierarchy and rhythm as they vary in scale, pitch and density across each façade according to orientation and solar exposure, whilst also being an integral part of the building’s natural ventilation system. ▼建筑的高度保证了圣保罗教堂的视野不受遮挡,the building height protects key views of St Paul’s Cathedral
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诺曼·福斯特说:“从一开始,我们便与Mike Bloomberg商谈建造一座精致优雅的石砌建筑,要在呼应历史环境的同时清晰地体现出其自身的时代特征,成为伦敦的一位不折不扣的优秀邻居。我们希望这座建筑具备由内至外的整体性和连续性,为Bloomberg提供一个具有启发性、革新性、动态且协作的办公空间,因为这些也正是公司的核心价值所在。总而言之,我们与Bloomberg建立了相互的信任,我们坚信新的大楼将拥有最优的可持续性,凭借全新的公共空间,它将不仅为其使用者带来舒适安乐,更将为伦敦居民的日常生活带来积极而有意义的影响。” Lord Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners, said: “From day one, we talked with Mike Bloomberg about creating an elegant stone building that responds to its historic setting yet is clearly of its own time and which would be a good neighbour in the City of London in every sense of the word. We wanted the building to have an integrity and continuity of expression both inside and out, creating an inspiring, innovative, dynamic and collaborative workplace for Bloomberg that embodies the core values of the company. Above all, we had a shared belief with Bloomberg that we should provide the highest standards of sustainability and wellbeing for its occupants, as well as create major new public spaces at ground level, making a significant contribution to the daily life of the City of London and its inhabitants. ▼一系列巨大的古铜色“扇片”为通高的玻璃墙带来荫蔽,a series of large-scale bronze fins that shade the floor-to-ceiling glazing
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▼立面细部,detail of the facade
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艺术是该项目中的一个关键角色,根据场地特性分布在建筑内外。Cristina Iglesias的水景雕塑“Forgotten Streams”致敬了曾流经于该场地的沃尔布鲁克河,定义出位于Bloomberg拱廊街两端的公共区域。建筑内部还遍布着Michael Craig-Martin、Olafur Eliasson、Arturo Herrera、Langlands and Bell、David Tremlett和Pae White等人的作品。总部大楼所在的场地还是古罗马密特拉神庙(Roman Temple of Mithras)的遗址所在,新的解说中心和文化中心将为游客带来沉浸式的神庙游览体验,以重新唤起场地的历史。 Art plays a central role in the project, with major site-specific commissions in and around the building. Cristina Iglesias’ water sculpture in three parts, ‘Forgotten Streams’ – a homage to the ancient Walbrook River that once flowed through the site – defines the public spaces at each end of Bloomberg Arcade. Other works in the building include pieces by Michael Craig-Martin, Olafur Eliasson, Arturo Herrera, Langlands and Bell, David Tremlett and Pae White. The new Bloomberg building also returns the archaeological remains of the Roman Temple of Mithras to the site of their original discovery, with a new interpretation centre and cultural hub designed to give visitors an immersive experience of the temple and bring the history of the site to life. ▼Cristina Iglesias的水景雕塑定义出拱廊街两端的公共区域,Cristina Iglesias’ water sculpture defines the public spaces at each end of Bloomberg Arcade
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宏伟的门廊构成了大楼的主入口,建筑在此形成两个新的城市广场。广场之下还有一个通往Bank Underground车站的入口,同样属于项目中的一部分,与滑铁卢及城市地铁线相连。走进主入口,行人将首先穿越接待大厅,随后被卷入“旋涡”当中——由倾斜而弯曲的木质壳体构成的富有戏剧感的双层高空间,其独特的造型回应了Bloomberg富有活力和能量的气质。这些旋扭着的外壳在顶端形成了一道孔径,上面装置着Olafur Eliasson的作品“没有过去就没有未来”(No Future Is Possible Without A Past)。以此为起点,高速的全玻璃电梯可将行人直接送至六层——隐藏的机械设备同样是为大楼专门打造的革新式设计。 The main entrance to Bloomberg is defined by a substantial porte-cochère, where the building forms two sides of a new formal city square. Beneath this square is a new entrance to Bank Underground station, constructed as part of the project, that connects to the Waterloo and City line. Arriving at the main entrance, everyone passes through the reception lobby before being drawn into the Vortex – a dramatic double-height space created by three inclined, curving timber shells, whose unique form echoes the dynamism and energy of Bloomberg. These shells twist to form an oculus at their apex, which contains an artwork titled ‘No Future Is Possible Without A Past’ by Olafur Eliasson. From here, high-speed fully-glazed lifts with a unique concealed mechanism – another innovation developed specifically for the building – carry everyone directly to the sixth floor. ▼“旋涡”壳体空间顶端装置着Olafur Eliasson的作品,the “Vortex” – curving timber shells with Olafur Eliasson’s work sitting above
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一条螺旋阶梯坡道连接起了建筑的每一层空间,它的外形呈优雅连续的环状,为空间增加了几分戏剧性。坡道采用青铜覆面,被设计成了一个连接和会面的场所。人们可以在这里简短地和同事聊上几句,而不会影响到行走中的人流。 A distinctive hypotrochoid stepped ramp, characterised by its smooth continuous three-dimensional loop, flows through the full height of the building, adding to the drama of the space. Clad in bronze, the ramp is designed and proportioned as a place of meeting and connection, allowing people to hold brief impromptu conversations with colleagues, whilst not impeding the flow of people. ▼螺旋阶梯坡道是建筑内部的核心,the centrepiece of the building’s interior is a spiralling ramp in a triple-helix formation
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位于六层的两层通高的“食品室”是建筑的核心,该空间围绕Bloomberg的公司精神设计,体现了合作与共享的重要性。这个区域充满活力,每个经过这里的人都有更多机会参与到聚会和漫谈中。食品室上层设有新月形的单独聚餐空间,越过矮墙人们可以俯瞰整个中央区域,从美丽的景观图案中激发设计灵感。 Central to Bloomberg’s ethos, the double-height ‘pantry’ on the sixth floor is the heart of the building, reflecting the importance of sharing and collaboration at the company. Everyone passes through this animated space, increasing the likelihood of chance meetings and informal discussions. The upper level of the pantry is formed by a sweeping crescent of individual meeting booths that overlook the central space, known as the Ha-Ha, referring to the classic landscape device that inspired their design. ▼沃尔布鲁克餐厅的城市视野,view of the city skyline from the Walbrook Dining Room
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▼餐厅中的艺术作品,the Walbrook Dining Room features an artwork by Venezuelan artist Arturo Herrera
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Bloomberg欧洲新总部大楼项目建筑师,Foster + Partners建筑师事务所高级合伙人Michael Jones补充道:“建筑的设计反映了Bloomberg作为一个组织机构的价值所在及其运作方式。设计尽可能地把核心筒推到建筑边缘,以使楼层更为开阔;并在其中设置了一条螺旋坡道,作为建筑的核心,将工作人员带到了一起。总的来说,建筑内外的一切设计都是围绕社区和合作进行的。”团队合作理念同样体现在了办公桌系统和每层楼的平面布局上。定制的半圆形办公桌高度适宜,形成了最多容纳六个人的工作荚,为个人或小组提供了私密而又舒适的工作环境。 Michael Jones, Senior Partner at Foster + Partners and Project Architect of Bloomberg’s new European headquarters added: “The design of the building supports the values of Bloomberg as an organisation and the way it operates. The cores have been pushed to the edges of the building to visually open the floors and reveal a spiralling ramp, the heart of the building, bringing together the people who work in it. In a sense, it is all about community and collaboration – both within the building and the way it embraces its surroundings”. The notion of teamwork and collaboration flows into the desking systems and layout of each floor. Bespoke height-adjustable, radial desks are laid out in clusters and pods for up to six people, allowing for privacy, personalisation, wellbeing and collaborative working. ▼能够俯瞰食品室的嵌入式集会区,recessed meeting booths overlook the pantry below
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▼天花是建筑中另一个独特的创新元素,the ceiling is another unique and innovative element developed for the building
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▼打磨过的铝板形成一片片“花瓣”,distinctive polished aluminium panels of ‘petals’
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天花是建筑中另一个独特的创新元素,其设计灵感来自于纽约的冲压金属板天花。打磨过的铝板形成一片片“花瓣”,既组成了天花的完成面,又起到了光反射板、制冷、吸声等多种作用,将普通的办公室天花中需要的不同元素整合成了一个整体节能系统。 The ceiling is another unique and innovative element developed for the building, inspired by the pressed metal ceilings of New York. Its distinctive polished aluminium panels of ‘petals’ perform multiple roles – ceiling finish, light reflectors, cooling elements and acoustic attenuation – combining various elements of a typical office ceiling into an energy-saving integrated system. ▼夜景,night views
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▼设计手稿,design sketch
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▼地下4层平面图,level B4 plan
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▼地下3层平面图,level B3 plan
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▼地下2层平面图,level B2 plan
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▼地下1层平面图,level B1 plan
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▼0层平面图,ground level plan
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▼1层平面图,level 1 plan
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▼2层平面图,level 2 plan
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▼3层平面图,level 3 plan
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▼4层平面图,level 4 plan
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▼5层平面图,level 5 plan
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▼6层平面图,level 6 plan
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▼7层平面图,level 7 plan
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▼8层平面图,level 8 plan
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▼东立面图,east elevation
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▼南立面图,south elevation
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▼西北立面图,northwest elevation
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 Bloomberg LP Appointment: 2010Construction Start: 2012Projected Completion: 2017Total Site Area:
 3.2 acres Area (Gross): 107,297m2 
( North: 70,357m2, South: 36,940m2 )Area (Net): 66,354m2 (
North: 43,333m2, South: 23,021m2)Typical floor area (gross): North: 4,500m2, South: 2,900m2 Number of Floors: 10 above ground, 4 basements Height:
 40m Structure: Two buildings, connected by link bridges Parking facilities: Disabled: 5, Bikes: 442 Work stations: 6,700