Morgan Housel 摩根豪塞尔|最后更新: 2024-1-8简介摩根豪塞尔是一位作家和投资者,他的书《金钱心理学》在全球畅销,并被翻译成了 53 种语言。他也是 Collaborative Fund 的合伙人,一个专注于支持有创新和社会影响力的初创公司的投资机构。他在自己的网站 上发布了许多关于金融、经济和心理学的文章,并在 Twitter 上拥有超过 50 万的粉丝。推特链接分类作家投资者博客网站链接 Morgan Housel — Joseph WellsWho? Have you ever read an article so good, you couldn’t wait to share it? Have you ever found a writer who publishes that type of article every week? Well here you go. Morgan Housel is a partner at Collaborative Fund , a venture capital firm focused on the intersection of personal good and commo