Guanghualu SOHO 2, Beijing, China by gmp
Dec 17, 2022 04:03 PM
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Urban ensemble for the SOHO China Group in Beijing completedFive buildings generate a flowing urban space
The urban ensemble “Guanghualu SOHO 2“ for the SOHO China Group designed by architects von Gerkan, Marg and partners (gmp) has been completed in Beijing’s Central Business District. The site at the Guanghua Lu is located in one of the prominent urban districts in the eastern center of Beijing, and consists of five houses with a curved building shape. The total built area consists of 84,000 square meters of offices and a further 19,000 square meters of office units for short-term lets.
▼ Guanghualu SOHO 2 光华路SOHO 2 ©Christian Gahl

不同尺度的通道和空中连廊构成交通网络,贯通了综合体内部空间。道路网络贯穿214米 x 77米的综合体内部,并将其与周边街道空间联系起来。如此实现了建筑整体与都市景观之间富于张力的视野交流,避免了建筑背街面的出现。
In contrast to Beijing’s usual large-scale road layouts, the comparatively closely knit Guanghua Lu is enclosed by urban blocks, generating a vivacious urban ambiance. The design for the SOHO China Group not only reflects this character, but reinforces it through numerous interactions and connections with the urban neighborhood.
This is achieved primarily by a network of passages and overpasses of different widths between the buildings. This pathway system crisscrosses the 214 x 77 meter large complex, and connects the surrounding street systems with each other. In this way, the front and rear of the buildings are of equal value, and attractive vistas are created between the houses and the urban landscape.
The dynamic curves of the five buildings are continued in the characteristic sloping roofs, which result from the local regulations for overshadowing, and are a unifying feature of the buildings. In this way, a “fifth façade” is created with recessed terraces and open courtyards providing daylight.
▼ The fifth façade 第五立面©Christian Gahl

▼ Façades with vertical lamellae 幕墙与竖向百叶©Christian Gahl

The flexibility of the buildings is enhanced and outside areas for roof gardens with views of the city are created by bridge-like connections between the upper floors of the buildings.The curved pathway system determines the interior of the building complex. Visitors find themselves in the flowing space, which has been designed as an architectural landscape. The three lower levels of the building are grouped around two large atria providing orientation and letting in daylight.Vertical louvres at the glass façades have the function of controlling light ingress and create a delicate and elegant transparent façade with gently changing waves. This creates an image of a slightly moving curtain, imparting lightness to the ensemble.
▼ Atrium providing daylight 天然采光中庭©Christian Gahl

▼ The curved inner pathway system 流线型内部交通系统©Christian Gahl

▼ One Entrance Area 入口区域 ©Christian Gahl

▼ One Entrance Area 入口区域 ©Christian Gahl

▼ Site Plan 总平面

▼ 1F

▼ 3F

▼ Section 剖面

设计:曼哈德·冯·格康和斯特凡·胥茨以及斯特凡·雷沃勒项目负责人:Daniela Franz,董淑英,Wang Nian,苏俊设计人员:Anna Bulanda, Margret Domko, Gerardo Garcia, Soeren Gruenert, Matthias Gruenewald,Li Shanke, 李峥, 刘虓, 解芳,邢九州, 周斌, Sun Ziqiang, Zhao Xu业主:SOHO中国建筑面积:103.000m²Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Stephan RewolleProject leader Daniela Franz, Eileen Dong, Wang Nian, Su JunTeam Anna Bulanda, Margret Domko, Gerardo Garcia, Soeren Gruenert, Matthias Gruenewald,Li Shanke, Li Zheng, Liu Xiao, Xing Jiuzhou, Zhou Bin, Sun Ziqiang, Zhao XuClient SOHO ChinaGFA 103,000m²Construction period 2009-2015
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