Topic: Dialogue with Ma Yin about Aranya and Life Aesthetics
Dec 17, 2022 04:02 PM
gooood would dig into projects which are appropriate for deeper report, in order to present the project in a more comprehensive way.
Aranya is located on the Golden Beach in Beidaihe. There are many impressive buildings in the community, such as Seaside Library, UCCA Dune Art Museum, Aranya Art Center, etc. In this article, gooood interviewed Ma Yin, founder of Aranya, to let him introduce the community mode and future development of Aranya from the aspect of an estate developer.
Click HERE to view more about architecture in Aranya.
gooood x 马寅
gooood x Ma Yin
阿那亚的第一个精神建筑:“孤独图书馆”是在什么样的契机下进行规划的?当时面临了哪些压力?设计图书馆的建筑师是因为什么特质被挑选出来? The Seashore Library, or known as the “Lonely Library”, is the first spiritual architecture in Aranya. How was it planned or created? What pressures did you face up to during the project progress? What characteristics distinguish the architects who designed this library from others?
The original intention of this library came from a scene I saw when I was in a seaside café in New Zealand: a young lover leaned close to each other on a deck chair, enjoying the amazing scenery and reading books. Compared with those traditional reading spaces, I thought that was my ideal seaside reading atmosphere and expected to reproduce this beautiful image somewhere in Aranya. Then, we came up with the idea of a library facing to the sea.
▼海边图书馆(点击这里查看更多),Seaside Library (click HERE to view more)
After the agreement on the cooperation, Dong Gong and I visited the site, and it was then when he asked me whether the library should be like a lonely rock growing out from the seashore. I really liked the feeling he had described. After returning to Beijing, Dong Gong brought me two paintings by Andrew Wyeth, an American artist, one of which was the Christina’s World, in which a girl is overlooking a house at the end of the sight; the other is The Old Man and The Sea, in which there are a lonely old man’s back, a fisherman’s house and the sea in the distance. All of these contributed to the concept of the library.
▼图书馆如海边生长出来的一块石头,the library is like a stone grew from the seashore
After completion, we didn’t do any promotion, but unexpectedly, a video named “The Loneliest Library in China” created by yitiao, a Chinese New Media company, was quickly overwhelming on the Internet. To be honest, I resisted to this name somewhat at that time, for the word “lonely” made this library kind of a web star. I hadn’t accomplished the recognition of the name of Lonely Library until one day, I saw some words in a book named Good Loneliness: “Loneliness is not a deliberate self-cultivation, self-requirement, self-reformation, or a product production of the human civilization, but the oldest truth of the nature, as well as the most primitive feature of all things”. This is a building that is thoroughly designed in a modern approach returning to the natural quality, just like what we had conceived originally: a solitary piece of rock rising out of the sea and in harmony with the nature.
▼图书馆室内,interior of the library
In fact, many spiritual buildings in Aranya are related to some certain beautiful scenes that I have experienced or have been long for. For the Aranya Chapel, originally, I conceived a building floating on the sea, which could only be accessed by boat or wading. In such a floating and dimly discernible space, it was probably much easier to connect with the God at the moment when meditating or praying. However, when negotiating with architects, I found there were a lot of uncontrollable factors behind this idea, which made me have no choice but to build a white chapel by the sea.
▼海边礼堂,chapel on the seaside
Later, this scene was transplanted to the UCCA Dune Art Museum. The museum consists of two parts – the dune art space and the sea art space. The dune part is hidden in the sand dunes, like mysterious caves, while the sea part underwater is deep into the sea and connected to the dune part through a long path which is only revealed at certain times with the right tide and at the right moment. The whole building is an installation art dedicated to the nature.
▼沙丘美术馆,藏在沙丘之下(点击这里查看更多),UCCA Dune Art Museum hidden under the dune (click HERE to view more) ©吴清山
Zumthor had once said: “when a building has a more important significance of spirit than functional, it is the construction of poetry.” I expect to regard the Seashore Library, as well as all of the future spiritual architectures in Aranya, as the poetic building. The noble characteristics expressed by poetry transcend the materiality and directly stroke the emotional and spiritual needs, tending to be an artistic thing, which is essentially different from the traditional real estate development that is a type of product design created in an industrial way. Therefore, the architect should have distinguished accomplishments in aesthetics and the similar value with Aranya.
“孤独图书馆”成为网红后,后续系列配套设施的规划思想发生了哪些发展和改变?阿那亚最终的配套建筑会有多少个,等等相关情况可以做更详细的介绍吗? After the “Lonely Library” became a web star, what developments and changes have occurred in the planning idea of the subsequent supporting facilities? How many supporting buildings will be in Aranya eventually, and can you tell us some details about them?
After the completion of the Lonely Library, I began to build up my own awareness of the spiritual architecture. Dong Gong gave me a set of works of Zumthor, in which there were a set of his sketches about a series of buildings in a village in Germany. These buildings, including a chapel, a meditation space and a landscape structure, linked by country roads, are small but not practical, leaving a significant impact on me. Although this project by Zumthor was not implemented, I still took his idea for reference, building up spiritual buildings, including the library, the chapel, the art museum, the concert hall and the theater in succession. Then, a seaside jogging track links these buildings, forming a spiritual main axis by the sea.
Wang Dingding, a professor of economics, believes that the quality life consists of three dimensions: substance, emotion and spirit, while the upgrading of traditional real estate products only focuses on the building itself, adding extra programs and qualities to the building in a single dimension and correspondingly, ignoring people’s demands on the emotional and spiritual levels. However, Aranya builds up a good life from the building production to the thorough demands meeting on the substantial, emotional and spiritual levels, among which the spiritual production is the highest product modality of Aranya.
▼阿那亚社区中的部分公共建筑一览,part of the public buildings in Aranya
In such a mega city like Beijing, the words such as neighbors and fellows, as well as the phrases such as a good neighbor is better than a brother far off, seem disappear, and all people have become familiar strangers. Therefore, when developing Aranya, I expect to rebuild a neighborhood-like community, regaining the intimate relationship between neighborhoods and between people. Fei Xiaotong once said that China should be a society of acquaintances, and Chinese people must live in a warm and welcoming community, which was the most needed thing for them and could give them the best sense of security. Thus, Aranya creates a large amount of public spaces for residents to gather together, hoping to turn everyone in the community into neighbors, friends and acquaintances. This re-establishment of the neighborhood relationship expresses the emotional value of the architecture.
After satisfying the substantial demands, people will definitely pay more attention to the spiritual demands. In Aranya, we adopt two ways to deliver and express these demands, one of which is the better spiritual space, and the other is the better content. The buildings designed in these two ways can not only settle down physical bodies, but also console souls and emotions. Putting themselves into these spiritual spaces, residents in the community can participate in various cultural and artistic activities, which is the spiritual product that we continue to export.
Being touched by spaces is mainly because we are touched by the relationship between people. A good architecture will bring us a unique experience, and a beautiful space will arouse our feelings, but what really leave us unforgettable memories are the interaction between people in the space and the consequent stories.
▼阿那亚社区居民参加的文化艺术活动,residents in the community participate in various cultural and artistic activities

您大概是与中国创意建筑师合作过最多次的开发商了。这几年下来,你对建筑的认识发生了哪些改变?现在如何看待建筑?建筑又改变了你哪些部分? You are probably the developer who has cooperated with Chinese creative architects for the most times. What changes have you made about the understanding of architecture over the past few years? What do you think of the architecture now? Which parts of yours have been changed by architecture?
Actually, my understanding of architecture has not changed a lot during the past years. Humans are children of the environment, and architecture is a part of art. Architecture affects not only the quality of life, but also the deeper thought, which means only being placed in and nourished by an artistic space, can humans maintain better sensibilities and creativities.
▼海魂屋,富有艺术感的访客中心(点击这里查看更多),Striped House, visitor center with artistic atmosphere (click HERE to view more) ©艾清

▼阿那亚儿童农场,儿童可以从自然中玩耍、学习(点击这里查看更多),Aranya Children’s Farm, where children could play and learn in the nature (click HERE to view more) ©张海

▼阿那亚儿童餐厅,创造儿童可以体验艺术的场所(点击这里查看更多),Aranya Children’s Restaurant, creating an artistic place for children (click HERE to view more) ©CreatAR Images

最想和国外哪个建筑师合作?为什么? Among the foreign architects, who do you want to cooperate with most? And why?
I am relatively emotional towards the architects, but if I were allowed to pick only one of them, he definitely would be Zumthor, as he leaves a great impact on Aranya, as well as myself. However, there isn’t any rank among excellent architects. For instance, Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn, both of whom are regarded as the gods by the public. If time can be turned back,it would be my honor to talk about the relationship between architecture and art, between architecture and life, as well as between architecture and people with them, even if I couldn’t have a real cooperation with these gods in the architectural field.
阿那亚内部社群蓬勃的发展让阿那亚似乎有了自己的生命。你认为是哪些方面的原因和措施让它拥有了健康生长的能力? The flourishing development of the inner community of Aranya seems to give a birth to Aranya itself. What reasons and measures do you think give it the ability to grow healthily?
I think the value should come first. The success of Aranya is the success of value, as every product of Aranya exports value, so does the real estate, even better. However, if we pay attention to advertisements and slogans of the real estate, we will find that the value exported by the real estate in the past few years is the magnificence. People tend to admire the money and the power, be keen on face-saving, show off, and possess something not glorious actually, which, to a great extent, is related to the circumstance where people have no idea about the life when they encounter a situation of suddenly abundant resources. But during that time, there was no doubt that the product would be the best-seller as long as it was created according to the logic of being gorgeous.
When I took over Aranya at first, I also had the inertial thinking that the traditional real estate developers featured for, expecting to establish a seaside luxury vacation product. But then, I found this logic didn’t take effect at all after the consumption upgrading and time transformation. The year of 2013 was called the beginning of the Internet era, during when many industries underwent tremendous changes. For the real estate industry, the demands for substance had reached the ceiling, meaning that instead of pursuing something superficial, people turned to focus on the real needs of their own.
▼阿那亚社区鸟瞰,aerial view of the community of Aranya
It is just like what Mu Xin said,“Life is a return to the original nature after a long journey.” During those years, many people kept thinking about the question of “what kind of life I expect for”. In this process, at the same time, we were thinking about the value of Aranya, since the lifestyle depended on the value, and what you believed determined how you lived. Finally, we formed an integrated value system in Aranya. We propose “the life could be better”, rather than it is the beginning a beautiful life. The former one is a concentrated expression of the value of Aranya, while the latter one is more like a promise or a boast, since each beautiful life comes from ourselves, neither the developers, the government, nor the God.
▼面向大海的社区,community facing the sea
On the spiritual life level, the slogan of “the life could be better” represents returning, meaning that “returning to the family, returning to the inner self, and returning to the spiritual life itself”. On the substantial level, the slogan of “the life could be better” represents “a life of high quality, and a sufficiency of moderate use”. From our perspective, a beautiful life is a critique to consumerism, an insistence to emotional life, and a pursuit for spiritual life.
Since then, all products, services and atmospheres of Aranya have been based on this value system. As a result, people who like Aranya will regard it as a heaven, while who don’t like it will never come.The community life in Aranya is built on the agreement on its value system.It is because of these residents who share the same value that Aranya can carry out the true community practice, and people can live an emotional community life in a sense of identity.
Then it comes to the aesthetics. Behind the upgrade of consumption, there must be the upgrade of the design and the aesthetics. “There is no cure for the lack of aesthetics, not even the knowledge.” Mu Xin said. In the development process of Urbanism in China, it is a pity to lose aesthetics, and we really expect to create a living environment for residents of Aranya who have the same aesthetics to live together. It will definitely be a vigorous community life if people can share the same value identity and aesthetics, inspiring each other and exporting the spiritual content together.
▼阿那亚社区中丰富的文化活动,various cultural events in the community of Aranya

阿那亚社区鼓励业主群体进行线下交流和互动,并且现在已经有100多个社群,你认为这种社群模式对于企业未来的发展有怎样的意义?这种模式对城市核心地区的地产项目有什么样的参考意义? Aranya encourages residents to communicate and interact with each other in their real lives, and till now, it has built up more than 100 associations, how do you think this community mode will influence the future of the enterprise? Whatreference significance does this mode have on the real estate projects in the core areas of the city?
Aranya is a new product in the real estate industry. Things including the targeted clients, the selection of clients, and the operation mode are beyond traditional real estate category, which means the key factor in Aranya is everything related to the community and lifestyles, also, the true human needs emerging after the infusion of more services, aesthetics and art into the building, rather than buildings themselves.
你作为社区的“村长”,现在每天需要花多长时间来处理社群问题?很多问题当场讨论不一定会有结果,也可能延长决策的时间,你如何平衡人们的参与感和有效决策之间的关系呢?通过哪些方法和机制让这种社群的模式不流于形式? As the “village head”, how long does it take you to deal with the community issues every day? Sometimes, you can’t solve problems on the spot, or even you need a much longer time to come up with a solution. Under these conditions, how do you balance the relationship between residents’ sense of participation and the effective decisions? What methods and mechanisms are used to make this community mode become practicable and workable?
Roughly, I spend 30 percent of my time on services of community and Aranya. In fact, I participate in all of the discussions about the public community life issues. For me, there are two main roles I play in the community, one of which is the maintainer of the community atmosphere, while the other is the maker of community rules. I pay close attention to the atmosphere of Aranya community, because people are diverse, and different environments will arouse different characteristics existing in their deep heart, which means they would become eviler for survival in a bad environment. However, in a good environment, people will compete to be nice guys. A successful community depends on a lasting good atmosphere.
The second thing is how to subdivide the management system and rules of the community through the community optimization. In Aranya, people will gather together to discuss when an issue occurs. There is no doubt that such a discussion process will be accompanied by disagreements, conflicts and disputations, and sometimes it is hard to judge right and wrong. However, every time when residents have a sufficient discussion, they will understand each other, and correspondingly, construct detailed rules and regulations for the future implementation. Once systems and regulations are subdivided, a fair community will be built up, contributing to a better atmosphere, which is the most important value of Aranya community.
Of course, there are still some complaints in the community. However, to our relief, our team will grow up with the process where we solve these complaints. As a developer, no matter how professional, thoughtful and comprehensive you are, you will find that each complaint is reasonable to some degree, if you listen sincerely and carefully to the feedbacks from users. Therefore, I really like the words from Wang Dingding, “the high-quality life is determined by picky consumers and thoughtful producers.” Our picky residents put forward various complaints and suggestions out of their constant pursuit for a better life, in turn, we will develop eventually as long as we can listen to them carefully and take corresponding actions.
▼马寅参与到社区活动中,Ma Yin participated in community activities

阿那亚客群是否是独立于同地区三线城市(秦皇岛)的其他社区居民存在?沙丘美术馆的建筑师曾经说过:希望这个建筑可以连接阿那亚和周边社区。你怎么看待这样的观点?你对于让社群理念超越阿那亚,创造更大范围的公共生活方式有何想法? Are residents in Aranya independent of other community residents in the third-tier cities like Qinhuangdao in the same region? The architect who designed the UCCA Dune Art Museum expected the museum could connect Aranya and its surrounding communities, what do you think of this view? And What do you think of applying the idea of Aranya community to a wider range of public lifestyles?
Aranya is an independent community, while the UCCA Dune Art Museum, Seashore Library and other infrastructures are open to the public. We welcome everyone who is enthusiastic about literature, art and all of other beautiful things, but at the same time, we are supposed to control the visiting crowds considering the limited community capacity. The public life in Aranya has two layers created by internal and external ideas respectively. The internal layer is the community whose vitality comes from the participation of everyone. I always consider Aranya as a result of the management of everyone, instead of developers.
Any uncivilized phenomena in the community, such as parking without flameout and preempting resources, will have corresponding measures as long as being reported. In this way, an agreement of self-management and self-discipline has been reached gradually within the Aranya community, which is to say, the community is operated based on an internal restriction mechanism formed by residents spontaneously, rather than the one-side external enforcement formulated by managers. Secondly, it is a thing on the social level. We often say that Aranya is a paradise by the sea, then its gate is the gateway leading to this paradise. So, we hope that once people enter it, they will find its distinctive characteristics, being edified and affected by its communal living atmosphere. We believe that the overall social environment would be improved if there were more and more this type of microenvironments.
▼沙丘美术馆,创造公共的文化活动空间(点击这里查看更多),UCCA Dune Art Museum, creating a cultural space for the public (click HERE to view more)

▼阿那亚艺术中心,举办展览吸引游客(点击这里查看更多),Aranya Art Center, holding exhibitions to attract people (click HERE to view more) ©aranya; 摄影: 在野照物所; 艺术家:TUNDRA; 策展: OUTPUT

随着阿那亚游人越来越多,如何协调酒店消费群体、地产业主、以及一日游游客群体之间的冲突与关系? With more and more visitors in Aranya, how to coordinate the conflicts and relationships among the hotel consumer groups, property owners and visitor groups who come here for a one-day tour?
Since the beginning, we have always embraced every visitor to Aranya in a welcoming gesture. With the increase of the number of tourists, many residents turned their homes into guest houses, sharing beautiful life with others, meanwhile, establishing a more stable interests community and a more stable enterprise community besides the emotion community and the affinity community formed with Aranya. Thanks to the tourist consumption, the supporting facilities of Aranya can function well, and furthermore, we can build up more diverse facilities, providing our residents with a more convenient life.
The spiritual spaces of Aranya consist of two modes including a joyful part and a quiet part, in which people can get a richer life inspiration in the same space. As for the conflicts between residents and visitors, I think they mainly exist in the use of public space and the maintenance of public order, which request for more effective managements and better planning.
▼安澜酒店(点击这里查看更多),Anlan Hotel (click HERE to view more) ©周梁俊,Golfimpress

阿那亚最终的酒店客房总数和地产出售的套数是怎样的比例关系?预计酒店营收占后期服务营收的多少?关于阿那亚后期的服务收费项目,总体规划是什么样的? What is the proportional relationship between the total number of the hotel rooms and the number of the selling properties? What is the anticipated proportion of the hotel revenue accounting for the post-service revenue? What is the master plan of the charging services in the later stage of Aranya?
Actually, there isn’t a clear boundary between the hotel rooms and residential homes, since the guest houses will be a mainstream in the future, which is also in line with the ideological logic under the condition of sharing economy. In order to help owners run guest houses, Aranya has set up an agency called the Guest House Service Center, providing unified services including check-in, park transportation and clean-up services charged at reasonable rates which are closely related to the cost, since its initial intention is to maintain the safe and orderly community environment, rather than earn profits. Aranya is neither a product created by planning like traditional real estate, nor presents a sense of beauty created only by the sequence, from the service level to the architecture level. It is a process of solving problems, presenting a natural, vigorous beauty.
▼临海T宅,居民可以根据自己的需求改造房屋(点击这里查看更多),T House, residents could transform their house as they need (click HERE to view more) ©宋昱明,广松美佐江 / 锐景摄影

We often say that the buildings in Aranya have three lives: the first one is related to the architects with the realization from concepts to the drawings; the second one is related to the builders with the construction from drawings to real buildings; and the third one is related to users with the emotional interactions with the architecture during use. A good architecture will bring us a unique experience, and a beautiful space will touch us, because actually, the things that leave us unforgettable memories are the interactions between people in the space and resultant stories.
For instance, today’s libraries have become the memory-sharing spaces for a lot of people and the space where happiness is gathered. A variety of concerts, the performances given by owners and children, art exhibitions, photography exhibitions, community histories, poetry nights, and even fashion conferences happen in the building, which we have never imagined when designing. Consequently, this building does bring residents a richer life experience, which is beyond the architectural functions of the building, and that is the greatest value of a beautiful building.
If applying aesthetic concepts to the architecture, the design stage should correspond to the stage of product aesthetics, while the construction stage should correspond to the stage of space aesthetics or living aesthetics. Then, after the space comes into use, it enters the stage of life aesthetics. After being nourished by spaces, people will become a significant part of the space aesthetics in turn. In the past, we focused on the specific design, while now, the whole community has entered a stage of cultural aesthetics, requiring the high-quality life, as well as the spiritual sympathy.
▼海边图书馆内举办的各种文化活动,various cultural events held in the Seaside Library

当前经济形势,阿那亚剩余楼盘量有多少?销售情况怎么样?当阿那亚全部销售结束,社区的官方运营会发生哪些改变?你认为会给阿那亚带来什么样的改变? How many are the houses remaining in Aranya in today’s economic situation? How is the sales status? What changes will happen to the official operation of the community when the sales in Aranya are complete? What changes do you think it will bring to Aranya?
Actually, I have never concerned about the sales data, since the building in Aranya is just a carrier. If our clients chime in our values easily, enjoying this life, then the house will be a natural, inevitable result. As a result, till now, Aranya has hardly ever been influenced by macro-economic situations. After the sales are completed, there will be nothing different about the operation mode of the community. In the past, estate agents would leave with profits after houses were sold out, while today, China has been on the stage of concerning about lifestyles, which means the rough working line of the real estate and the nonrecurring moneymaking ways are out of date, while the transformation to the service industry is the only way out.
Five years ago, Aranya was “forced” to explore a long-term sustainable business model to earn money. Selling houses doesn’t mean the end of the relationship, but the beginning of a new service relationship, so we transformed from the selling-centered mode into the service-centered mode. This service consists of two aspects, one of which is the hardware. Aranya has invested a lot of capital to establish facilities to provide hardware support for future services, which makes it possible for Aranya to be operated in a long-term sustainable profit model.
▼阿那亚配套设施 -槐树林餐饮会所(点击这里查看更多) Ancillary facility for Aranya – Forest Dining Club (click HERE to view more) ©存在建筑-建筑摄影

The other is the investigation to content on the software aspect. Cultural and artistic projects, including the midnight cafes, resident programs, cinemas and DDC garage rehearsal halls provide services and create value, representing the initial intention of Aranya: creating a brand of lifestyle and being a good service provider of beautiful life. Therefore, the artistic life will be a daily activity in the future Aranya.
▼阿那亚社区中提供餐饮、运动、养老等服务,Aranya provides various services including dining, sports, caring, etc
你预计北京周边地区旅游地产的存量市场盘子有多大?如果还可以在阿那亚周边的海滨进行开发,您希望这块地多大,希望这块地成长成什么样?和阿那亚有什么样的联系,同时又有什么样的区别? How large do you expect the market of the remaining tourism property in the surrounding areas of Beijing to be? How large do you expect the site to be and what do you expect it to be like if you have an opportunity to develop the seaside area further around Aranya? What relationships and differences do you think it has with Aranya?
Actually, I hardly ever considered about the data of the market of tourism property in the surrounding areas of Beijing, for Aranya is not a product of market logic, but a result of meeting clients’ demands. If there is still a chance to develop around Aranya, I will focus more on the issue of whether it can integrate with existing Aranya, so that we can build up some other supporting facilities that we can’t realize currently in Aranya, including the indoor stadiums and other interesting spaces on the new site, providing residents both in old community and new community with more supporting resources.
贵司在全国还有哪些开发计划?对每个地区的定位有哪些不同? What development plans do you have nationwide besides Aranya? What are the differences in the positioning of each region?
The operation of Aranya is exclusively based on the deep understanding about our clients, making Aranya as an elaborate handwork spreading on the physical level, indicating that Aranya will never make products as impersonal results created in the way of assembly lines strategically. During these years, compared with other regions, Aranya only has a relatively comprehensive understanding about the life status and lifestyles of Beijing clients, which means we should dig deeper into and focus more on this big market, continuing to develop and operate the cultural and tourist products which are similar to Aranya around Beijing. Currently, we are working on two mountains-related projects for Beijing clients, one of which is Lingwu Mountain while the other of which is Jinshanling.
Besides, we have very recently started a project in Sanya whose clients are still Beijing locals and Aranya residents. This project is the complementary product to Aranya thanks to their stagger popular times. Thus, we can make a better arrangement of the personnel assignment, as well as meet the living demands of owners of Aranya all year round, offering a thorough service to them, and those are the reasons why I choose Sanya.
▼阿那亚的新项目正在山中开发,Aranya’s new projects in the mountains are under construction

▼雾灵山项目效果图,rendering of Lingwu Mountain project

▼金山岭项目鸟瞰效果图,aerial rendering of Jinshanling project

当前经济形势下,贵司是否处在一个关键时期?您认为贵司现在面临什么样的挑战?希望怎么突破? Do you think you are at a critical period in the current economical situation? What challenges do you think your company is facing up with now? How can you make breakthroughs?
Aranya is built on the innovation rather than product duplication, which is remarkably different from traditional real estates. It is difficult for others to make a second Aranya for its success is created by a group of right people living together in a right time and a right place. Thus, although Beidaihe has achieved a significant success, we will never create a second, completely same Aranya in Jinshanling. We always redesign and re-present feelings of spaces, so do the spiritual architecture. Each spiritual architecture is distinctive from others and has a remarkable relationship with the geography, the future life, the people who live here and the our thinking towards the life philosophy,which means it’s more impossible to gain vitality by copying.
Therefore, I think the most important thing for Aranya team, including myself, is to improve our innovation ability, since I always concern about how our buildings can bring different spatial experience to everyone and whether our understanding towards the beautiful life can keep pace with the increase of demands of Aranya’s clients.
▼金山岭精神建筑 – 山谷音乐厅(点击这里查看更多) Spiritual architecture of Jinshanling Project – Chapel of Sound (click HERE to view more)

放眼未来,您希望把企业打造成一个什么样的公司? Looking into the future, what kind of company do you expect to make your enterprise as?
I expect to build up Aranya as a brand of beautiful lifestyle and a brand of culture and art facing to the future.Art can stimulate people’s creativity and sensibility. Throughout history, the progress of each era is driven by art, because it can break the boundaries of our cognitions, after which our world can step forward.
▼有阿那亚logo的产品,products with Aranya logo

最近2-3年中,感受到自己的最大突破和成长是什么? What are the biggest breakthrough and development in the last 2-3 years?
Aranya is a miracle, also, is a right thing achieved by a group of right people living together in a right time and a right place. It is a tremendous nutritious soil for me to develop myself. When you are at a certain age, it is difficult to make progress internally. Then Aranya attracts a large number of high-quality external forces, including owners, architects, artists and founders in the new economy. All of their ideas, concepts and life attitudes drive me to learn continuously and grow together with Aranya.
▼马寅,Ma Yin

More: Aranya architecture on gooood