Serena Confalonierib
|最后更新: 2023-2-28
Feb 28, 2023 01:02 AM
Serena Confalonieri
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Milan\-based designer and art director Serena Confalonieri is a woman of many talents, working across the fields of product, graphic and textile design both in Italy and abroad.米兰设计师兼艺术总监 Serena Confalonieri 是一位多才多艺的女性,在意大利和国外从事产品、图形和纺织品设计领域的工作。
She first came up on our radar at last year’s Milan Design Week where she presented Layla, an artisanal table lamp designed for MM Lampadari, among other projects. Since then, we haven’t stopped noticing her work, built around a graphic, colourful, and emotional vision, mixed with decorative hyperboles and geometric shapes.她在去年的米兰设计周上首次出现在我们的视野中,她展示了 Layla,一款为 MM Lampadari 设计的手工台灯,以及其他项目。从那时起,我们就一直在关注她的作品,她的作品围绕着图形、色彩和情感视觉,混合了装饰性夸张和几何形状。
Now the designer has completed her first interior design project, 13.10 Ristorante, a 25-seat boutique restaurant close to Milan—and it doesn’t disappoint. The concept combines her signature language of ironic, unexpected subjects and chromatic material combinations with an eclectic gastronomic philosophy rooted in cultural influences from all over the world.现在这位设计师已经完成了她的第一个室内设计项目 13.10 Ristorante,这是一家靠近米兰的 25 座精品餐厅——它没有让人失望。这个概念将她标志性的讽刺、意想不到的主题和彩色材料组合的语言与植根于世界各地文化影响的折衷主义美食哲学相结合。
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Layla Table Lamp by Serena Confalonieri for MM Lampadari.
Presented at this year’s Milan Design Week, Layla was inspired by the shape of old oil lamps and night stand lights...
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The intimate space, located inside a courtyard creates a comfortable and domestic feeling, striking the balance between eating out and being at home in an effort to create a sense of ease. The warm interiors, informally divided into multiple spaces, are characterised by both vivid and natural shades that recall the kitchen’s ingredients, lively patterns, bright and romantic colours, refined furniture and bespoke pieces—a space of contradictions and as eclectic as the designer herself.位于庭院内的私密空间营造出舒适和居家的感觉,在外出就餐和在家用餐之间取得平衡,努力营造轻松自在的感觉。温暖的室内空间被非正式地分成多个空间,其特点是生动自然的色调让人想起厨房的食材、活泼的图案、明亮浪漫的色彩、精致的家具和定制的作品——一个矛盾的空间,就像设计师本人一样兼收并蓄。
With a mix of selected furniture and customised elements, the project isn’t short of a little help from some design heavyweights. HD Surfaces took care of the walls and ceiling finishings, while Ceramiche Cielo supplied the bathroom furnishings. Florim supplied the ceramic coverings, Servomuto and MM Lampadari were on point with lighting and Fratelli Levaggi is the producer of the typically Italian Chiavarine chairs.结合精选家具和定制元素,该项目不乏一些设计重量级人物的帮助。 HD Surfaces 负责墙壁和天花板的装饰,而 Ceramiche Cielo 则提供浴室家具。 Florim 提供陶瓷覆盖物,Servomuto 和 MM Lampadari 负责照明,Fratelli Levaggi 是典型的意大利 Chiavarine 椅子的生产商。
A Polychromatic Apartment in Rome by STUDIOTAMAT.
With each room a different colour, it is aptly christened Cromatica (the Italian word for 'Chromatic')...
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A series of products designed by Serena Confalonieri herself is also present from the Carnival wallpaper designed for Wall & Decò in the bathroom, the Stilla mirror designed for Potocco, the Kyma tableware collection designed for Sambonet and a custom rug by Besana Carpet Lab designed specifically for 13.10 Restaurant.由 Serena Confalonieri 亲自设计的一系列产品也从为浴室的 Wall & Decò 设计的 Carnival 壁纸、为 Potocco 设计的 Stilla 镜子、为 Sambonet 设计的 Kyma 餐具系列以及 Besana Carpet Lab 专为13.10 餐厅。
For her interior design debut, the designer discovered an opportunity to express to the fullest her kaleidoscopic and colourful creativity and hit the ground running. The result is a project that is extremely consistent with the designer’s aesthetics and design philosophy, made up of soft contrasts and balanced use of patterns and colours.对于她的室内设计首秀,这位设计师发现了一个机会来充分表达她千变万化和多彩的创造力,并一炮而红。其结果是一个与设计师的美学和设计理念极为一致的项目,由柔和的对比以及图案和颜色的平衡使用组成。
Ursula's Paddington Opens With Interior Designed by Brahman Perera.
Following Brem’s romantic and personalised approach to interiors, rich caramel tones, crisp silks and a distinct...
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\[Images courtesy of Serena Confalonieri. Photography by Matteo Imbriani.\]\[图片由 Serena Confalonieri 提供。 Matteo Imbriani 摄影。\]

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