傅厚民 |香港“André Fu Living”时尚家品概念店+Estro餐厅
Dec 16, 2022 07:54 AM

The restaurant|餐厅
傅厚民(André Fu)的空间设计以现代主义风格著称,而André Fu Living的时尚家品系列,不仅体现其独特审美风格,也渗入了他在生活中对不同地方及文化的重要回忆,表达了他游历世界的视野与态度。
Andre Fu's space design is famous for its modernist style. Andre Fu Living's fashion home product series not only reflects his unique aesthetic style, but also permeates his important memories of different places and cultures in life, expressing his vision and attitude of traveling around the world.

“André Fu Living是一个属于当下时代的品牌,一个没有受制于传统、历史及文化限定的生活概念。我深信寻找心灵治愈才是生活态度的本质,这正是我决心打造这间实体店的意义所在。” 傅厚民(André Fu)说。
"Andre Fu Living is a brand for the present, a concept of Living that is not constrained by tradition, history and culture. I believe that the search for spiritual healing is the essence of an attitude towards life, and that is why I decided to create this physical store." "Andre Fu said.

André Fu于2019年成立同名品牌André Fu Living,以完美生活概念为基础,André希望透过他的个人视野和审美,展现他对不同时代风格和文化思维的探索,并融入现代生活设计。作品既注重实质的体验感,同时把浓厚的艺术元素注入其中,André Fu Living首家概念店于 2021年11月正式进驻香港太古广场。
Andre Fu founded his eponymous brand Andre Fu Living in 2019, which is based on the concept of perfect Living. Andre hopes to show his exploration of styles and cultural thinking of different times through his personal vision and aesthetic, and integrate it into modern life design. Andre Fu Living's first concept store will open in Hong Kong's Pacific Place in November 2021.

Inspired by the physical beauty of Kyoto architecture, the entire concept store is designed to evoke the peaceful atmosphere of a traditional Japanese garden within 800 square feet, creating a sense of escape and comfort.
Many series of life household things will be shown inside the store, including furniture, lamps and lanterns, tableware, carpet and bedding, complete to present brand unique freehand brushwork costly life attitude, quiet collect inside, modest and elegant.

André Fu说:“ 我希望客人能走进André Fu Living,体验整个场所呈现出不一样的空间氛围,有机会亲身触摸实物的细腻肌理,并感受设计师创作背后的故事。这次把传统京都美学的精髓融入店内的设计,也正好呼应品牌的三个核心定位:舒适、质感及低调奢华。”
Andre Fu said, "I hope that the guests can walk into Andre Fu Living, experience the different atmosphere of the whole place, have the opportunity to touch the delicate texture of the object, and feel the story behind the designer's creation. The design of the store, which incorporates the essence of the traditional Kyoto aesthetic, echoes the brand's three core positions: comfort, texture and understated luxury."

“我的愿景是希望打造一场视觉的盛宴,与厨师的烹饪哲学巧妙结合。如此的相得益彰,它是对意大利历史很好的个人诠释,同时在艺术和前卫之间取得了有效的平衡。这种电影般的梦境,唤起了Jean Cocteau和Gio Ponti的抽象性叙事方式,”André Fu说。
"My vision is to create a feast for the eyes, which is in harmony with the chef's culinary philosophy. So well suited, it's a personal interpretation of Italian history while striking an effective balance between art and the avant-garde. This cinematic dream evoking the abstract narrative of Jean Cocteau and Gio Ponti, "said Andre Fu.

André Fu与著名厨师Antimo Maria Merone合作,由香港酒店公司JIA Group (Yenn Wong创立)联合推出,于香港中环杜德尔街1号二楼开设了厨师的第一家独立餐厅Estro(意为“灵感”),致力于提供意大利那不勒斯美食,呈现灵感、完全原创和极具个人特色的菜肴,风味无可挑剔。
Andre Fu has teamed up with renowned chef Antimo Maria Merone to open the chef's first independent restaurant, Estro (meaning "inspiration"), on the second floor of 1 Dudall Street, Central, Hong Kong by Hong Kong hotel company JIA Group (founded by Yenn Wong). Dedicated to serving Neapolitan cuisine, Italy, presenting inspired, completely original and highly personal dishes with impeccable flavor.

与Antimo Maria Merone的密切合作,André Fu塑造了一种独特的就餐体验,希望唤醒非同寻常的动人乐趣,将客人带入重构后意大利令人心醉神迷的独特场景。
Working closely with Antimo Maria Merone, Andre Fu has crafted a unique dining experience that evoking the extraordinary and moving pleasures that bring guests to a unique and mesmeric scene of a reimagined Italy.
室内设计的灵感来自Antimo Maria Merone对家乡的眷念,因而以那不勒斯老城独一无二的颜色为基底,融入了当地鲜明的人文风物的风格特征。
The interior design is inspired by Antimo Maria Merone's nostalgia for her hometown and is based on the unique colors of the old City of Naples, incorporating the distinctive cultural features of the area.
Estro offers a sense of decadent aesthetics in its spatial detailing, inviting guests to retreat away from the bustling city streets of Hong Kong's Central district into an environment full of poetic nostalgia.

Rich terra-cotta, sage and turquoise colours create an ornate and warm atmosphere, inspired by the traditional image of Italian urban architecture.

受意大利人文风物精髓的启发,André Fu将那不勒斯独特的沉浸式视觉美学融入香港充满活力的城市文化之中,欢迎Estro的客人于此享受迷人的空间体验。
Inspired by the essence of Italian culture, Andre Fu incorporates Naples' unique immersive visual aesthetic into Hong Kong's vibrant urban culture, welcoming Estro guests to an engaging spatial experience.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :知行
排版 Editor:Tan 校对 Proof:Tan
图片版权 Copyright :原作者