gooood Interview NO.31 – Jacob van Rijs
|最后更新: 2022-12-16
Dec 16, 2022 10:18 AM
gooood团队采访世界各地的有趣创意人,欢迎您的推荐和建议。第31期为您奉上的是 MVRDV创始人 Jacob van Rijs 的访谈,更多关于他,请至:MVRDV on gooood gooood team interviews creative from all over the world. Your recommendations and suggestions are welcomed! gooood Interview NO.31 introduces Jacob van Rijs, Founder of MVRDV.More: MVRDV on gooood 出品人:向玲 | Producer: Xiang Ling编辑团队:陈诺嘉,武晨曦,李诗蓉,徐馨羽,李禹潺 | Editor: Chen Nuojia, Wu Chenxi, Li Shirong, Xu Xinyu, Li Yuchan Interviewgooood x Jacob van Rijs ▼Jacob van Rijs
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_______________MVRDV的成立与发展Development of MVRDV
“怀着持续的好奇心和开放的心态、彼此学习又保持个性,我们在集体中更快地成长。” “By being curious and open-minded – by encouraging this balance between copying from each other and diverging from each other – we are able to collectively expand our conceptual basis much faster than we could do alone.
1. 1993年,你和Winy Maas与Nathalie de Vries共同在荷兰成立了MVRDV,请问你们三位在公司中分别担任怎样的角色?你在2018年11月之前一直是公司的运营总监,请介绍一下你是如何带领MVRDV成长并适应新时代的?In 1993, you established MVRDV with Winy Maas and Nathalie de Vries. How do you describe your roles in operating the company and the division of work? From 2016 to November 2018, you had been working as the Managing Director. In that period of time, how did you lead MVRDV to keep growing and adapting to the new era? 一开始,我们只是想确保高质量地完成每个项目,彼时我们并没有计划事务所的未来。 但是,随着MVRDV在建筑行业的声誉不断升高,MVRDV经历了突飞猛进的增长:在短短的四年中,我们的员工人数从60人增加到225人。我很荣幸能够在起步期的两年半中管理事务所,但是我更喜欢设计和教学。 Winy、Nathalie和我一同认识到,我们需要更适合管理的人,将MVRDV推向新的高度。因此,我将事务所的运营工作移交给了在运营和管理方面具有丰富和扎实经验的同事Inger Kammeraat。在Inger的管理下,我们完成了比以往更多的激动人心的设计,即使在突发的疫情隔离下,即便所有人都在远程工作,她也能够使办公室保持平稳运转。今年9月,我们刚刚在柏林成立了MVRDV第四个卫星办公室。 In the beginning, we just wanted to ensure the high quality of every project, and we did not plan the future for the office. But as we gained a reputation in the architecture industry, MVRDV experienced a huge growth spurt: in just four years, we went from 60 to 225 employees. It was a pleasure to manage our office for the booming two-and-a-half years, but I like designing and teaching more. Winy, Nathalie, and I realized that we need the right people to lead MVRDV to the next level. Therefore, I handed over the operation work to Inger Kammeraat who has rich and solid experience in operations and management. Under Inger’s leadership, we have completed more exciting designs than before, and she has kept the office working smoothly, even with everyone working remotely, during the unexpected lockdown. Our fourth satellite office in Berlin has just opened back in September. ▼MVRDV办公室,office of MVRDV(上)鹿特丹总部(点击这里查看更多),(above) Headquarter in Rotterdam (click HERE to view more)(下)柏林办公室,(below) Berlin office
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Winy、Nathalie和我,我们每个人都有自己在负责的项目,虽然我们各自的方法有所不同,但我们的理念是一致的:我们三个人都致力于打造更好的,面向未来的住宅、办公、公共空间和城市。这意味着我们三个人之间可以彼此学习。我们的工作有很多交集、也各有专长,通过互相学习,我们可以借鉴各自的优势,运用到各自的项目中去。在MVRDV工作的其他建筑师也是如此。怀着持续的好奇心和开放的心态、彼此学习又保持个性,我们在集体中更快地成长。 Winy, Nathalie, and I each have our own projects that we are in charge of, and our approaches differ but our philosophy is one: all three of us work on making better, future-proof housing, offices, public spaces, and cities. In a way, this means that we learn from each other. Our overlapping but slightly idiosyncratic approaches give each of us ideas about how we could add to our own work. That’s not even mentioning the knowledge and ideas contributed by the other architects who work within MVRDV. By being curious and open-minded – by encouraging this balance between copying from each other and diverging from each other – we are able to collectively expand our conceptual basis much faster than we could do alone. ▼MVRDV工作场景,working scene in MVRDV(上)鹿特丹总部,(above) Headquarter in Rotterdam(下)柏林办公室,(below) Berlin office
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除了提供让客户和业主满意和惊喜的设计外,我们的主要目标之一是帮助年轻建筑师从工作和生活中获得成长。在指导他们的同时,他们也为我们带来了很多灵感。MVRDV每月组织一次内部“Pecha Kucha”活动,鼓励员工分享他们的知识和经验,并练习他们的演讲技巧。今年,我们通过在线的形式继续组织Pecha Kucha。过去,我们还举办过各种活动,例如组织员工参加当地马拉松比赛、乒乓球比赛、烧烤和办公室园游会等活动。MVRDV的员工来自40多个国家/地区,其中有许多都不是荷兰人。通过这些活动,员工之间会更好地了解彼此,我希望他们能够在异国他乡找到归属感和志同道合的朋友。在疫情结束之后,我们将恢复这些集体活动。 In addition to designing buildings that make clients and users happy and excited, one of our key goals is helping young architects grow, not only from work but also in life. As we are guiding young architects, they also feed us with a lot of inspiration. We organize an internal “Pecha Kucha” every month to encourage staff to share their knowledge and experience, as well as practicing their presentation skills. This year, we moved the Pecha Kucha online. In the past, we also held various activities, such as groups participating in local marathons, ping pong tournaments, barbecues and office excursions. Our employees come from more than 40 countries; many of them are not Dutch. The staff gets to know each other better from these activities, and I hope that they can find a sense of belonging in a foreign country and like-minded friends. We will continue these traditions after the pandemic. ▼视频,MVRDV工作体验,video, working experience in MVRDV
“无论我们创造什么类型,我们都遵循相同的原则:激进、大胆、直接。” “No matter what prototype we create, we follow the same principles: radical, bold, straightforward.”
2.MVRDV成立的27年来,公司的设计理念有着怎样的变化?It has been 27 years since MVRDV’s founding. Comparing to its early years, how has MVRDV’s philosophy of design changed? MVRDV的成立源自1991年的Europan竞赛,我们的Berlin Voids方案获胜。在这个竞赛中,我们的设计出发点并不是为了最终能够建成它,而且要寻找一个激进的方案。这是MVRDV成立27年来一直坚持的核心精神,并且从未改变过,未来,我们将继续用激进的设计来解决许多国家面临的城市问题。 MVRDV started with the Europan competition in 1991, and our Berlin Voids won the award. When we competed in Europan, whether or not the project would be built was not our main priority – being radical was. The core spirit of MVRDV has not changed in 27 years, and we continue to address urban problems in many countries with radical designs. ▼Europan竞赛模型,model for the Europan Competition
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但随着周围世界的变化,我们的工作也在相应地变化。在过去的二十年中,世界经历了快速的发展。因此,为城市居民的营造快乐的生活已经成为当务之急。“垂直村落”的概念就源于这一挑战。现在的人们越来越意识到自然的价值,而景观建筑已经成为我们的下一个话题。无论我们创造什么类型,我们都遵循相同的原则:激进、大胆、直接。 But as the world around us changes, our agenda is changing accordingly. In the past two decades, the world has experienced rapid development; therefore, making urban residents live more comfortable and happier has become an urgent problem. The idea of the “vertical village” was born from this challenge. Recently, people become more and more aware of the value of nature, and landscape architecture has become our next topic. No matter what prototype we create, we follow the same principles: radical, bold, straightforward. ▼Jacob在MVRDV部分设计项目拼图,Selected projects designed by Jacob in MVRDV
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______________不同类型项目的设计Design of different types of Projects
“从更宽阔的视野看待事物,灵活地应对个别城市的个别问题。” “See things from a very large scale, while being flexible enough to react to the unique challenges of a single location.”
1.你们的项目类型丰富,遍布全球各地。对于位于不同地区不同类型的项目,你们是如何着手设计的?如何适应不同的城市环境和项目类型,同时体现出MVRDV自身的设计特点?You have designed various types of projects all over the world. Engaging with all such projects in different regions, how do you usually initiate your design? How do you adapt your design to different urban environments and functional requirements while at the same time reflecting MVRDV’s design aesthetics? 我们在为世界各地所面临的建筑和城市问题提供解决方案,这需要从更宽阔的视野看待事物——全球有很多城市都在面临相似的问题;同时,我们也需要灵活地应对个别城市的个别问题,这依赖于MVRDV高度多元化的内部文化。例如,当我们收到NIO蔚来汽车的设计委托时,我们上海办事处的员工会定期去重庆跟进项目进度。我们有许多才华横溢的亚洲建筑师,可以帮助我们更好地理解和回应东方文化,并以MVRDV的语言展示亚洲项目。NIO蔚来汽车重庆展厅的设计以重庆的山区城市为特色。作为3D城市的重庆本身也呼应了MVRDV“堆叠”的设计手法和“垂直村落”的概念,这也就成为了项目设计的灵感来源:多功能楼梯形式的内部三维“3D城市组合”。尽管中国城市与欧洲城市不同,具有不同的历史和文化,但随着城市之间的交流越来越多,世界城市也在以越来越相似的方式发展。尽管MVRDV是一家欧洲的设计公司,但我们的经验和想法同样适用于当代中国的语境。 We do indeed try to provide solutions to contemporary architectural and urban issues in all regions of the world, and that requires seeing things from a very large scale – the problems that seem to replicate themselves in many places globally – but also being flexible enough to react to the unique challenges of a single location. To do so, we rely on a high level of diversity within our own company. For example, when we received NIO’s commission, the staff in our Shanghai office went to Chongqing regularly to follow up on the progress. We have many talented Asian architects who help us to better understand and respond to Eastern culture, and present Asian projects in MVRDV’s language. NIO’s design features Chongqing’s mountain city— a three-dimensional city that also echoes MVRDV’s language of “stacked” elements and the concept of “vertical villages”. This leads to one of the project’s focal points: an interior three-dimensional “3D City Mix” in the form of its multi-functional staircase. Although Chinese cities are different from European cities, with different histories and cultures, the world’s cities are evolving in an increasingly similar way as there is more and more communication between them. Although MVRDV is founded in Europe, our experience and ideas are equally useful in a contemporary Chinese context. ▼重庆蔚来中心,创造多功能楼梯形式的3D城市(点击这里查看更多 NIO House Chongqing, “3D City Mix” in the form of a multi-functional staircase (click HERE to view more)
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2. 你们设计了许多后工业遗产改造项目,如丹麦罗斯基勒音乐学校和Frosilo双子住宅。在不同项目中以不同手法处理新旧空间的依据主要是什么?如何让相对来说单调乏味的工业建筑变得更加有趣,充满活力?请谈一谈工业建筑改造的潜力以及MVRDV在此方面的尝试与发展。You have done many post-industrial renovation projects. In Roskilde Festival Højskole and The Frøsilo. What is the main basis for treating old and new spaces differently in different projects? How do you make relatively monotonous industrial structures become interesting and vibrant?What do you think about the potential in industrial renovation? Could you share us with MVRDV’s attempt and concept in such kind of projects? 工业建筑的特点是内部空间宽敞、结构和设备较为复杂,但我们可以从中提取许多令人兴奋的元素。在设计Frøsilo时,我经常说,如果没有原本的筒仓结构,这座建筑就不会有这么强大的吸引力。MVRDV的改造方案最大程度地减少了对原始场地的干扰,人们可以在建筑中享受现代设计的同时,感受到过去辉煌的工业记忆。 Industrial buildings are characterized by large interior spaces, complex structures and even equipment, from which we can extract many exciting elements. When designing Frøsilo, I often said that it would have been impossible to create such an attractive building from scratch without the silo structure. Our renovation plan minimizes the interruption to the original site, where people can feel the past glory while enjoying the contemporary design. ▼Frøsilo,保持筒仓外观,Frøsilo restoring the appearance of the silo structure
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▼利用筒仓结构创造精彩的内部空间,exciting interior space utilizing the original silo structure
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无论是将盒子悬挂在建筑物外部还是内部,改造的核心策略都是相同的。我们希望用一种激进的设计来保留现有建筑的个性,在尊重历史的同时实现新与旧之间的平衡与衔接。罗斯基勒音乐学校和Frøsilo筒仓住宅两个项目之间最显着的区别是他们的功能不同。罗斯基勒音乐学校是一个更开放的项目,我们希望通过改造来提高建筑的开放性和灵活性;Frøsilo则是一个住宅公寓项目,原有两座筒仓坐落在河边,筒状中空的内部空间是项目最为精彩的特点,我们保留了这个特点,并且通过将阳台悬挂在筒仓外部来满足美丽的滨河视野。 Whether hanging the box on the outside of the building or placing the box inside the building, the core of the renovations is the same. We want to retain the existing building’s character with a radical concept that respects the history while balancing the transition between the old and the new. The most significant difference between Roskilde Folk High School and Frøsilo is their different functions. Rosklide Folk High School is a more public project; we aimed to increase its openness and flexibility through the transformation. Meanwhile, Frøsilo is a private residential project that starts with a silo by the river, so we retained its most exciting feature: its inside emptiness, and we maximize the beautiful views by hanging the balconies outside the silo. ▼罗斯基勒音乐节国民高等学校外观(点击这里查看更多 external view of the Roskilde Festival Folk High School (click HERE to view more)
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▼改造提高空间的开放性,renovation increasing the openness of the space
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▼色彩鲜艳的多功能教室,multi-functional classroom in vivid color
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3.印度的“未来之塔”如何利用建筑空间布局和功能设计满足多元化的需求?多元化居住的优势是什么?相较大型住宅项目,小型住宅项目在设计上有着怎样的考量?MVRDV对住宅建筑设计有着怎样的理想和追求?In the project of Future Towers in India, how can the spatial and functional design of the building meet the requirement of diversity? What are the advantages of diversified living? Comparing to large-scale residential projects, hat is your perspective on small-scale residential project design? What are MVRDV’s ideals and aspirations for residential architecture? 一个繁荣的现代化城市需要大量移民来参与生产、提供服务,不同的住房单元可以将不同的群体组合在一起,从而使整个项目和社区更加活跃。我们在印度西部的浦那市(Pune)设计完成了Future Towers住宅楼,这座城市的汽车制造和技术行业吸引了许多年轻人来到这里工作。我们希望这座住宅能够包容不同阶级和年龄层的人。为了呈现多样化的布局,MVRDV的设计团队深入研究了印度的住房结构,并开发出了一套系统,以确保每座建筑物都能够涵盖不同类型的公寓单元。我们也很感谢我们的客户愿意尝试新事物,如果没有他们的支持,我们将无法实现如此高完成度的设计。 A thriving modern city needs a large number of migrants to produce and provide services, and different housing units can mix different groups, making the whole project and the entire community more vibrant. Many young people have been attracted to work in the auto-manufacturing and technology industries in Pune, where we built Future Towers. We hope that users from the full spectrum of India’s middle class all mingle there regardless of age or class. To present a diversified layout, our team delved into Indian housing and developed a system to ensure that each building has different types of apartments. We also appreciate that our client was willing to try new things, and we wouldn’t be able to achieve this degree of integration without their support. ▼未来之塔外观(点击这里查看更多 external view of the Future Towers (click HERE to view more)
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▼丰富的布局和景观,diversified layout and landscape
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▼各具特色的“凹洞”空间,brightly colored openings showing unique features
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小型住宅的设计通常具有更大的灵活性,它们也是MVRDV大体量项目实践的试验场。在荷兰的Casa Kwantes住宅项目中,除了满足客户对功能性、隐蔽性和私密性的要求外,MVRDV希望能够设计出一座完全自给自足的可持续住宅建筑。得到业主的认可后,我们为房屋配置了地源热泵、热交换系统和带有太阳能电池板的屋顶。太阳能电池板可补偿房屋玻璃墙面造成的热量损失。居住空间吸收最多的阳光,同时也能够得到上层地板悬挑带来的遮阴效果。 Small homes are often designed with more flexibility, and they are also a testing ground for our large projects. In Casa Kwantes, in addition to meeting the client’s requirements of function, seclusion and privacy, we continued to pursue an entirely self-sufficient sustainable building. With the owner’s consent, the house uses a ground source heat pump, a heat exchange system and a roof with solar panels. The solar panels compensate for energy lost from the house’s glazing. The living spaces absorb the most sunlight and they have sun shading due to floors cantilevering out slightly. ▼Casa Kwantes住宅,自给自足的可持续建筑(点击这里查看更多 Casa Kwantes, a self-sufficient sustainable building (click HERE to view more)
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4.目前你正在设计许多高层项目,如荷兰鹿特丹的“Sax”和“Modernist”,阿联酋阿布扎比的“像素”以及中国上海的董家渡项目,这些项目分别进行到了什么程度,有什么特点?MVRDV的设计理念在高层项目中有哪些体现?MVRDV now has many high-rise projects under going, including Sax in Rotterdam, Pixel in Abu Dhabi, and the Dongjiadu project in Shanghai.How far have these projects been carried out and what are their characteristics? How is MVRDV’s design philosophy reflected in high-rise projects? 像素在去年八月破土动工,今年这个项目由于疫情原因产生了一些延迟,但是在增加了一些安全措施之后,施工重开,项目也重新步入了轨道。 I can share you some information about Pixel, but I can’t yet say too much about the others. Pixel broke ground last August, the project was delayed somewhat due to the pandemic. Now it is back on track, with construction continuing with some added safety measures. ▼像素,丰富的空间提供不同的生活方式,Pixel, diverse spaces providing various lifestyles
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像素,Sax和董家渡项目或多或少都利用了像素化的设计手法,从而使其形成非常灵活的平面。在这三个项目中,商品房和经济适用房混合在一起,这是我们增强项目多样性的一种方式。这些高层建筑中设有丰富的娱乐休闲设施,如餐厅、商店、酒吧、咖啡、观景台、健身房,等等。在这里,人们仿佛置身于村庄。他们可以在一栋建筑中享受不同的生活方式,而不同的功能则会吸引不同的群体。同时,我们也尝试将这些巨大的体量融入周边环境。像素的阳台由陶瓷屏遮罩,这种材料与魔方购物中心的立面相似,表面呈现出珍珠的光泽。为了应对阿布扎比强烈的高温,人们可以用这种遮阳屏将中央广场上的凉亭连接起来,形成更多阴凉空间。 Pixel, the Sax, and Dongjiadu are all more or less pixelated designs, which results in a very flexible layout. The residential program of all three towers mixes expensive and affordable apartments together. This is one way we encourage diversity in our projects. These high-rise buildings give users the feel of a village, as the towers include a variety of facilities and amenities, such as restaurants, shops, bars and cafes, viewpoints, a gym, and so on. People can enjoy different kinds of lifestyle in one building, while different functions will also attract different groups. At the same time, these large volumes aim to integrate into the surrounding environment well. For example, the balconies at Pixel are shaded by ceramic screens which, similar to the façades at M.Cube, have a pearlescent finish. To deal with Abu Dhabi’s high temperatures, these screens are also used on a number of matching pavilions in the central plaza to provide extra shade. ▼The Sax,如同一座垂直城市(点击这里查看更多 The Sax lika a vertical city (click HERE to view more)
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______________MVRDV与城市设计MVRDV and Urban Design
“充满活力的城市需要有多种多样的使用者。我们不仅仅是将多种功能混合在了一起,功能之间还会相互交织,相互丰富。” “Vibrant cities require a diverse mix of users. Multiple uses are not only mixed together, but interact with each other and enrich each other.”
1.在《FARMAX: Excursions on Density》中,你提到廉价住房,低租金办公室等低密度项目使荷兰的城市变得庸碌。MVRDV是如何用设计对抗这种庸碌的?相较荷兰,中国城市的发展有着怎样的特点?其中,MVRDV可以发挥怎样的作用?In FARMAX: Excursions on Density, you mention that low-density projects such as cheap housing and low-rent offices make Dutch cities mediocre. How does MVRDV counter this philistinism with design? Compared with the Netherlands, what are the characteristics of urban development in China? What role can MVRDV play? 我们认为垂直城市只有当功能也在垂直方向上混合时才是可行的。充满活力的城市需要有多种多样的使用者,在一天中的不同时段不同地点展开不同类型的活动。为了实现这个目标,最有效的方法是在同一栋建筑中混合不同功能。因此,我们尝试通过创新的、出人意料的方式将功能混合在一起,跟人们带来惊喜。这样就诞生了混合建筑,我们不仅仅是将多种功能混合在了一起,功能之间还会相互交织,相互丰富。 与荷兰相比,中国经历了十分迅速的城市发展。在如此快速的进程下,人们可能没有时间思考城市发展中将会遇到的问题。与之相对,我们在荷兰有丰富的城市开发经验。MVRDV成立于鹿特丹,这座城市在二战后经历了大规模的城市重建。我们可以从中学习经验,并运用到中国的项目中。此外,大部分中国城市,尤其是高密度城市,都位于长三角和珠三角等水资源丰富的地区。荷兰也是一个拥有大量水资源的国家。我们可以将荷兰在水资源规划方面的知识带给中国。 We think that vertical cities only work when you also mix functions vertically. Vibrant cities require a diverse mix of users, and different types of activity in spaces at all times throughout the day. The most effective way to achieve this is by mixing different functions within the same building. So we try to mix uses in innovative, unexpected, and exciting ways. That gives you hybrid buildings, where multiple uses are not only mixed together, but interact with each other and enrich each other. Compared with the Netherlands, China has experienced very rapid urban development. In this rapid process, cities may not have time to think about the problems they will encounter. But in the Netherlands, we have a rich of experience in urban development. In Rotterdam, where we founded MVRDV, the city experienced massive urban reconstruction after World War II. We can learn from these experiences in Chinese cities. In addition, most of China’s cities, especially the high-density cities, are distributed around the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, where water resources are abundant. The Netherlands is also a country rich in water resources. We can bring the knowledge of the Dutch in water resources planning to China. ▼WERK12,混合功能的建筑,激发城市活力(点击这里查看更多 WERK12, multi-functional building vitalizing the city (click HERE to view more)
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2.你在2019年底曾发表过“高密度释放城市地面公共空间,创造独特大都会生活”的演讲。MVRDV对于高密度城市中的公共空间塑造有哪些新的研究和思考?You gave a lecture which title was “High-density releases the public space on the ground level and creates a unique lifestyle in the metropolis” in December, 2019. What is MVRDV’s recent thinking on creating public space in a high-density city? 我在演讲中分享了两个项目,一个是北京合景·摩方购物中心,另一个是阿姆斯特丹水晶屋。大量中国和欧洲城市正面临着大面积的城市更新。在许多项目中,我不想拆除老建筑,这将破坏历史遗迹,而且拆掉重建并不是一种可持续的改造方式。但是我们也不想继续在低品质的建筑中工作或生活。因此,我认为水晶住宅可以为中国的城市更新带来某种启示。在这个项目里,我们保留了富有特色的原始结构,用玻璃砖替换了部分砖墙立面。这些玻璃复制品融入了传统的陶土砖中,而在上层形成具有戏剧化的过渡。在这种方式下,我们重新诠释了这栋历史建筑,并且在原有设计的基础上带来了新的外观。 I shared two projects at that event. One is the M.Cube the shopping mall in Beijing, and the other is Crystal Houses in Amsterdam. A large-scale urban renewal is happening in cities in China and Europe. In many cases, we don’t want to demolish the old buildings. That is damaging to heritage, and it’s also not sustainable to always demolish and replace a building. However, we also don’t like to continue working or living in low-quality old buildings. So I think Crystal Houses can inspire China’s urban renovation. Crystal Houses retains the original characteristic structure, but the brick façade was replaced by a replica that was partly made of glass brick instead of normal brick. The glass replica dissolves into the traditional terracotta bricks on the upper level and creates a dramatic twist. In this way we reinterpreted this historic building and brought a new appreciation of its original design. ▼水晶屋外观(点击这里查看更多 external view of the Crystal House (click HERE to view more)
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▼玻璃砖与陶土砖的融合,integration of glass bricks and ceramic bricks
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3. 请介绍一下大规模城市混合用途项目的设计经验。如何在这样的大型综合体项目中实现更好的公共空间和社区营造?Could you tell us your experience in the design of large-scale mixed-use project? How can better public space and community be achieved in this kind of projects? 在设计大型综合体项目时,我们会十分注意其与当地文脉的联系。RED7住宅项目的灵感来源于与其相邻的构成主义建筑,后者本身是城市中经典阶梯式建筑的抽象剪影。与周边环境相比,我们的项目用色大胆,有很强的视觉冲击力。建筑体块经过雕刻和细分,形成了多个独特的入口以及倾斜的屋顶空间,可以尽享优美的城市景色。 In designing large-scale mixed-use projects, we pay great attention to its connection with the local context. RED7 takes inspiration from neighbouring constructivist architecture, it actually is an abstraction of the classical stepped building silhouettes found in the city. Compared to the surrounding buildings, it stands out from the surrounding environment for its bold color. The volume of the building is sculpted and diversified to create distinctive entrances, a sloping roofscape, and to take advantage of the remarkable views of the city from this location. ▼RED7,创造性地回应场地文脉,创造具有冲击力的城市空间,RED7, responding the site context in a creative way, creating an impressive space in the city
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___________可持续设计理念Sustainable Design 1.MVRDV为中国智能电动汽车企业“蔚来”在重庆设计了NIO House,可持续理念是如何在设计中体现的?在您心目中,环境友好且面向未来的建筑应当具备怎样的特征?它如何影响事务所具体的实践方向?In the NIO House project designed for NIO Automobile, how to echo the sustainability in the design? In your opinion, what kind of quality does an environmental-friendly and future-proof building need? How could it influence MVRDV’s design practice in the future? 重庆蔚来中心位于一栋巨大的综合体中,坐拥长江和嘉陵江的江景。为了在商场云集的品牌中脱颖而出,我们在立面使用蓝色大理石以回应蔚来“Blue Sky Coming”的公司理念。在商场既定的框架中,我们采用了不同种类的环保材料和节能产品,保证整个空间的资源消耗降到最低。 NIO House Chongqing is in a large-scale complex with views across the Yangtze River and Jialing River. To stand out among a variety of brands in the mall, we used blue marble on the façade to echo NIO’s concept “Blue Sky Coming”. Within the frame set by the mall, we used a variety of environmentally friendly materials and energy-saving products for the interior design to ensure the entire space consumes minimal energy and resources. ▼重庆蔚来中心休息交流区,采用环保材料和节能产品,communication space in NIO House Chongqing, using environmental-friendly materials and energy-saving products
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我们对未来的建筑持乐观态度,它们将成为自给自足的生态系统,甚至可以抵消其他人类活动产生的二氧化碳。实际上,我们在2000年世博会荷兰馆中展示了这一构思。换句话说,我们可以人工制造自然并将其垂直叠加起来。这是我们对可持续设计的宣言:创造一种和自然融合的建筑,在其内部实现自我的资源循环。二十年过去了,我们正在这个项目的基础上不断创新。我们将会重新审视自己当年运用在那栋建筑上的理念,并且思考如何利用新的科技,让二十年前的可持续设计概念逐步成为现实。 We are optimistic that future buildings can act as self-contained ecosystems and even offset the CO2 produced by other human activities. In fact, we showed this concept in the Dutch pavilion at Expo 2000. In other words, nature can be created artificially and stacked vertically. That was really a manifesto for how we think about sustainable design: presenting an ideal of a building that incorporates nature and generates its own internal resource cycles. Now, we are renovating the project 20 years later. We will get to revisit some of the ideas we put in that original structure, and revisit how, with the advent of new technologies, our sustainable ideas from 20 years ago are gradually being realized. ▼汉诺威世博会荷兰馆2.0,延续2000年世博会荷兰馆的品质,将景观堆叠在一起(点击这里查看更多 Expo Pavilion 2.0, continuing the idea of the pavilion in 2000, stacking landscapes together (click HERE to view more)
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___________材料与品质把控Material and Quality Control
“材料可以带给项目独特的个性。” “Materials can give a project unique a character.”
1.MVRDV会为一些项目专门设计材料,如吉隆坡宝格丽的混凝土树脂混合材料,北京合景摩方购物中心的釉面陶板等。你们是如何看待项目的材料和颜色的?现在有哪些正在进行的材料方面的新尝试?MVRDV would develop special materials for a particular project. In Bulgari Kuala Lumpur, you designed the material mixed of concrete and resin, and in KWG·M·Cube, you applied a special terra panel on the facade. What is your method of approaching the materials and colors for your projects? Could you please tell us something about your ongoing attempts in material? 我们坚信材料可以带给项目独特的个性。有时,我们甚至会和大学或公司合作开发独特的材料。在吉隆坡宝格丽项目中,我们希望延续品牌超越时间的美感,并且添加一分属于我们自己的当代特性。因此,我们使用混凝土和树脂创造了一个仿大理石纹理的立面,光线可以从纹理中透出。这个设计将充满活力的新材料,与宝格丽自Via Condotti店就开始出现的檐口形式结合在了一起。 We firmly believe materials can give a project unique a character, and we sometimes even work with universities and companies to develop unique materials. We wanted our project for Bulgari to continue the brand’s sense of timeless beauty, but adding our own distinctive contemporary touch. So we used concrete and resin to create a marble-veined façade where light permeates through the marble veins. It’s a combination of Bulgari’s signatory cornice from its Via Condotti store with a new, exuberant material. ▼宝格丽吉隆坡旗舰店外观(点击这里查看更多 external view of the Bulgari Flag-shop in Kuala Lumpur (click HERE to view more)
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▼材料细部,灯光在立面上呈现大理石纹理,material details, light permeating through the marble veins
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摩方购物中心的地理位置决定了我们不能设计一个完全不同的建筑,当地政府反对任何过于突显个性的建设。为了满足客户的需求,建筑需要在与周边环境相融合的同时,展现出自身的特点。我们的解决方案是在立面上使用珍珠釉面的陶瓦。这并不是一种新材料。它是一种当下鲜少使用的古老技术,我们费了很大力气才找到了一家可以制作这种材料的供应商。最后的成果完美呼应了基地文脉,满足了客户和政府双方的要求。建筑的立面持续变幻着样貌,有时呈现出朦胧的灰色,有时则闪耀如同彩虹。 With the M.Cube, the project’s location means that it was not suitable to design a completely distinct building – the local government was against anything that would stand out too much. So to fit what the client wanted, the building needed to fit in with its muted surroundings but somehow stand out at the same time. The solution we came up with, of ceramic tiles with a pearl-like glaze, is actually not new at all! It’s an old technique but one that is used rarely today, and we had to work very hard to find a supplier who could still do it. The result perfectly responds to the context, and the requirements of both the client and the government. The building continuously displays new patterns and colors, so at times it might look subtly grey, or it might shine with all the colours of the rainbow. ▼摩方购物中心外观(点击这里查看更多 external view of the M.Cube (click HERE to view more)
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▼立面材料细部,呈现珍珠般的光泽,details of the facade material with a pearl-like glaze
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2.MVRDV如何控制项目(尤其是中国项目)的施工质量?如何保证项目的后续运营?How does MVRDV control the construction quality of its projects, especially of those in China? How to guarantee the subsequent operation of the projects? 我经常告诫团队,我们应该给客户提供超过他们期待的作品。为了实现这点,我们会关注项目中的每一个细节。以重庆蔚来中心为例,这个项目中最吸引眼球的是立面上的蓝色大理石及其构成的3D城市综合体。为了挑选出最符合蔚来汽车气质的蓝色大理石,我们拜访了中国不同地方的制造商,从数十个选项中选出了最终的材料。为了体现天然大理石的花纹,我们严密监控石材的切割过程,尝试了各种各样的排列组合方式,才得到了符合要求的图案。之后,我们给每一块石材编号,项目负责人亲临现场监工,保证工人把每块大理石放在正确的位置上。我们还花费了大量的时间协调施工图,材料选择和施工管理。最后的结果超出我们的预期。 I always tell the team that we should give clients and users more than what they expect, and we realize it by paying attention to every detail. For example, one of the most eye-catching features in NIO Chongqing is the blue marble used on the facade and “3D City Mix”. To select the most suitable blue marble responding to NIO’s vision, we visited many stone manufacturers across the country and finally selected the blue marble from dozens of options. Considering the marbling of natural marble, we supervised cutting marbles, tried a variety of arrangements and combinations, and finally got the desired pattern. Then we numbered every piece of marble. The project leader was at the site when the workers hung the marble, thus ensuring every piece was placed in the right order. We also spent a lot of time coordinating construction drawings, material selection, and on-site supervision. Everything was worth it in the end. ▼重庆蔚来中心材料拼贴模型和意向图,model showing the combination of different colored materials in NIO House Chongqing
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________教学与科研Teaching and Research
“教学让我重新认识了建筑。它可以激发不同文化、学科和时代之间的对话。” “I have re-recognized architecture from my experiences teaching; it initiates open dialogue between cultures, disciplines, and generations.”
除了设计,MVRDV没有停下过教学和科研。请介绍一下你们与代尔夫特理工大学一起运营的独立智囊团和研究所的工作。教学与科研对MVRDV的意义是什么?Apart from design, MVRDV also devote itself to teaching and research. You have been a visiting professor in Tongji University. Could you please tell us something about your experience of teaching in China? How could the work of teaching and researching contribute to MVRDV’s practice? 2017年春天,我受李振宇院长的邀请,在同济大学建筑与城市规划学院举办了一个工作坊。我们是这个系列工坊中的第一个,在八周的课程中与中国教授和学生们一起合作。当时的课题是浦东一座住宅综合体设计,但是我们所做的并非让学生在一个具体的街区中,根据特定的规范和物理条件提交平立剖;而是想象新的生活方式,发掘自己的潜力,突破限制,探索新的设计思路,用自己的理解去诠释当下的社会需求,然后将其应用到上海浦东这一特定的背景环境之中。 第一天,我们走进教室,看到十八位学生整齐地坐在自己的座位上,准备好聆听一场传统的授课。我们怎样才能改变这样刻板的教学模式呢?我们提出了一些抽象的设计任务,有些学生一开始非常不适应这种新的教学模式,但是不久他们就接受了挑战,他们用自己的聪明才智,提出了丰富的观察、探索和大量观点。批判性思考和好奇心是十分重要的技能。我们要求学生们不要仅仅接受表面现象,而是要不断追问、深挖。当我回想这段经历,教学让我重新认识了建筑。它可以激发不同文化、学科和时代之间的对话。 In spring 2017 I was honored to receive an invitation from Dean Prof. Dr. Li Zhenyu to do a studio at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University. We are the first of a studio series where an international practice would collaborate with local professors during an 8-week course with Chinese students. The assignment was a mixed-use housing project in Pudong, but, it was not housing in the sense of students suggesting a plan and a section in a mixed-use block in compliance with certain regulations and physics. Instead we invited the students to imagine new ways of living and to discover their prospects and limitations; to explore in what ways they could offer something new; to make their own interpretations of the demands and needs of current society and to apply it to the particular context of Shanghai Pudong On the first day, we entered the class and the 18 students sat in orderly rows at their desks, probably waiting for a master class, in which the students listen and the teacher talks. How can we change those settings and roles? The abstraction of the task was intimidating for a few students at the beginning, but soon the group embraced the challenge and turned into an explosion of intelligent observations, explorations, and ideas. Critical thinking and curiosity are crucial skills. We asked the students not to accept anything at face value. Always question. Looking retrospectively, I have re-recognized architecture from my experiences teaching; it initiates open dialogue between cultures, disciplines, and generations. _______________疫情影响下的未来展望Future Expectation under the influence of the Pandemic
“生活方式的转变对环境产生了巨大的影响,相信我们在未来会做出更多积极主动的改变。” “Now we have seen what a difference our lifestyle makes to the environment – what changes will we make after seeing this?”
疫情对MVRDV有着怎样的影响?请谈一谈你对MVRDV发展的预期。Has MVRDV’s agenda been affected by the pandemic of Covid-19? Please talk about your expectations for the development of MVRDV in the future. 我们对于mvrdv团队对封锁的快速应对感到十分骄傲。仅仅两天时间,所有员工就都开始居家办公了。我们使用了所有可能的电子工具,以正式或非正式的方式与每个人保持联系,探讨项目的问题。这种在紧急时刻迸发出的能量令人震惊。为了回应荷兰政府人与人之间保持至少1.5米距离的规定,我们重新规划了办公室容量,保证约50%的员工可以在公司办公。目前,员工们可以部分来办公室,部分居家办公。工作条件一直在发生变化,大家对此做出了极为迅速的调整和适应。 在这期间,我们提升了效率。我们不需要一直待在公司,不需要使用太多交通,不需要频繁的商务旅行,购物的时间也大幅减少。所有这一切都改变了我们使用现有空间的方式。另一点改变是环境质量的提升。许多城市空气污染严重,却在封城期间得到了显著改善。我认为这次的危机可以加快绿色建设的进程。现在,我们可以看到生活方式的变化——如减少汽车的使用——对环境的积极影响。我们目睹了生活方式的转变已经对环境产生了巨大的影响,在这之后,相信我们会在未来做出更多积极主动的改变。 We are immensely proud of how our team handled the lockdown. Suddenly within two days everybody was working from home, and we used all kinds of digital tools to meet each other, formally and informally, to discuss the projects. It is amazing what kind of energy comes up in times of need. To respond to the Dutch government’s regulation of 1.5-metre personal spacing, we made a capacity plan for our office and saw that we were able to have around 50% of our normal capacity physically at the office. Staff are now working partly from home and partly in the office when required – everyone has adapted extremely well and extremely quickly as these working conditions change constantly. What we can learn is efficiency. We don’t need to be in offices all the time. We don’t need that much traffic; we don’t need so much business travel and apparently we can shop much less. All of this will transform the way we use our “built space.” Another change is environmental improvement. Most modern cities have pretty bad air quality and that has improved dramatically during the lockdown. I think this crisis can be used to accelerate the green deal. We used fewer cars during the lockdown. Now we have seen what a difference our lifestyle makes to the environment – what changes will we make after seeing this? ▼MVRDV三位创始人从右到左:Jacob van Rijs,Nathalie de Vries,Winny Maas Three Founders of MVRDVfrom right to left: Jacob van Rijs,Nathalie de Vries,Winny Maas
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